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Nightmares are still plaguing Michael's dreams. Though he can easily brush them off with the thought of RoosterTeeth, he's barely getting any sleep.

Michael's been busy with work and packing. Ray and Michael have come up with a arrangement of how things will work out. He will be staying over at Ray's once he flies over there. Michael already has the money to get the flight, now he just has to finish packing and requiring the correct nessicities.

If Michael gets the job, then he'll find himself his own apartment. Until then, he'll be bunking with Ray. The only main downslide is Michael won't be able to open his wings. After a long period of time of not summoning them, it gets kinda unbearable. Luckily, they won't open themselves automatically, but it can be pretty painful.

Three days have past since he received the letter from RoosterTeeth. Michael has already said goodbye to his friends, he uses that word loosely, and has his bags already to go. He'll be leaving in the morning around ten, so Michael decides to get some sleep now. Even during these few days, Michael was smart enough to buy some sleeping pills. Hopefully, solving his nightmare problems. Michael conjures his wings out and settles into his bed. He grabs the glass of water he arranged for himself and swallowed the pills with the liquid. He waits a few minutes before his mind finally shuts down.

···Blood. Blood was all over him. Michael was watching himself rip apart a man's thoart with just his mouth. He looked so different when he was like this. White hair, dark grey skin, red eyes, and his wings were beautiful in a horrific fashion. Black feathers, tipped with dark red, like the blood that drips from his fangs. He had claws that were ripping innocent people's limbs excruciatingly slowly.

Michael's thoart became hoarse as he screamed to himself to stop, but he just kept murdering and torturing with absolutely no mercy. Michael covered his ears as the whispers began, telling him this was his fault, that he was useless and weak, that he should let them take over. Michael screamed as his head felt like it was splitting open. He saw red.···

Michael screamed and fell to the floor. He jumped up and frantically looked around. He's heart was beating so quickly and it's thumping was the only he could hear, apart from his panicked breaths.

He leaned against the closest wall and slid down, his wings hurting slightly from his tense muscles. He dragged his knees to his chest and covered his face with his arms. He cried to himself softly for what seemed like ages, was only just ten minutes. He heard a bing sound come from his phone across the room. It was his message, telling him to wake up.

After a few seconds of just staring into space, Michael got up and began getting ready. His face had a grim and distant look the whole time he was getting ready. Finally set, Michael hopped into a cab he tagged and told the man to go the airport. Michael apparently looked worse than he felt, because the man gave him a gentle smile. Finally arriving, he paid the man and added a decent tip and got his luggage from the trunk.

He proceeded into the quiet airport and made his way to his station. After the workers checked his bags and himself, they let him through. He found his stop and saw it would take off in ten minutes. After aboarding the plane, Michael got everything settled and noticed there were only about 25 people on the plane. He shook his head and got his small bag he was holding on to for the flight. 'I hope things get better,' he thought as he looked out the window and saw the ground as it got smaller and smaller.

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