Seeing Through Your Eyes (Precinct)

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A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while. I will try to update a story every week, it's just that I have been super busy with school and then my computer broke.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy.


Now that Barry was back in his old lab, he hoped things would start to go back to normal. Well, as normal as he can have it with him being the Flash. So when Singh asked everyone downstairs, to review some tapes, he could only guess what it was about.

Barry stood next to Joe and Cisco in some kind of circle with the rest of the officers.

"Now, I called all of you here because there have been some escapes from Iron Heights prison a few weeks ago." Singh said.

The agents started whispering. A prison break? Why had no one said anything?

Barry was slightly panicking. The prison break with the other metas had been a few weeks ago. Did they find out?

"I did not know about the prison break either, until one of our undercover persons, went off radar," Singh continued.

"Well, who was this undercover person?" an agent asked.

"Rebecca Sharpe." 

Barry almost had a heart attack. That was the meta with the ability to alter luck. That was the meta he had befriended.

"She was removed to an secret meta wing by Warden Wolfe. We had an tip that he had been selling metas illegal. So Rebecca Sharpe agreed to have a secret camera on her, so we would have proof as to what he was doing."

Barry shared a glance with Joe and Cisco. This was not good.

"But now she has disappeared with the rest of the metas there. And we will all be watching it."

'Damn.' Barry thought. 'Could this be any worse?'

"Now if you all will sit down, I have put the tape on all of these screens, so we can watch it."

All the agents sat down on the chairs around the televisions, while the TVs turned on.

It started with Amunet coming in to see which metas she wanted to take to sell.

"Welcome to my own personal meta block," They heard Wolfe say. "Built on the ruins of the first Iron Heights. Completely off the books and camera free."

"Well at least now we know where it is," one agent said.

Barry started to feel very nervous. What were they gonna do when they find out?

"Yes, yes. Less history lesson more window shopping." They heard a woman say.

"Who is that?"

"Amunet Black. A criminal," Singh says shortly.

They started listing all the metas in the wing.

"And who might this be?" Amunet asked.

"Something you have wanted for a long time. A speedster."

"A speedster? How many speedster are there? And which one is this?" All those questions were asked as everyone started talking.

Luckily for Barry, you could not see his face. Yet.

Wolfe tells her about the price.

"So, Wolfe was really corrupt?"

Amunet tells Wolfe she wants everyone.

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