Traffic and Triomphe

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As Francis and Alfred sped off from their secret entrance to the palace, Alfred smiled at the ridiculousness of what they had just done. A combination of the buzz from the cheap wine and the adrenaline of running from the security guard was making him feel absolutely giddy.

As he clutched to Francis's torso, Alfred lifted his head and felt the cuffs of his pants billowing in the wind as they gained speed. He felt like he needed to pinch himself. Matthew would never believe him when he called him.

They continued driving until they got closer to Paris, where they were met with the typical traffic one would expect from a metropolis. This was obviously no challenge that a Bonnefoy couldn't rise to, as Francis began weaving in and out of lanes like a character in a GTA game. Alfred held on tight as they dipped and sped up and slowed down and were beeped at by dozens of people. He couldn't help but laugh at Francis's aggressive driving.

They were going at a good pace until they reached the Place Charles de Gaulle, where the rotary was crammed with cars in rush hour traffic. As they stopped at a red light, Francis turned back and said, "Hold on tight, this may get bumpy." Alfred gulped and squeezed a little tighter before the light turned green and Francis floored it. As soon as they entered the traffic circle Francis sped up even faster and just for the fun of it, drove around the Arc twice. Alfred felt nauseous as the wine and brie threatened to make a reapparance, but made sure to keep it together as Francis exited onto one of the streets.

Alfred could feel Francis laughing until they both heard a police siren approaching from behind. Alfred tensed and Francis groaned as they pulled over to the side of the road. The police car followed and kept its lights flashing until the officer got out from his car and headed towards the pink bike.

The man looked to be in his thirties, with chestnut brown hair and undereye bags that suggested he wasn't getting nearly enough sleep. As he walked towards the vespa, he looked down at the pad of paper in his hand and wrote something with a pen before looking up at the two of them. Francis proceeded to take his helmet off and swoop the hair out of his face before looking back with a slight smile. The officer froze for a moment before a look of surprise crossed his face.

"Oh- monsieur Bonnefoy! Je suis désolé" the man blurted franctically, holding up his hands apologetically as he shoved the pad of paper into his back pocket.

"C'est bien" Francis replied with a smile on his face. From completing 1/4 of his lessons on Duolingo, Alfred could understand what they were saying, but he couldn't understand why.

"Bonne soirée monsieur" the officer said, giving one last apologetic glance before turning to head back into his car.

"Bonne soirée!" Francis called out after him before putting on his helmet and waiting for the officer to pull away. As soon as the man was gone Alfred wrapped his hands back around Francis's waist and they sped off towards Alfred's apartment. Alfred had no idea what had just happened, but he figured Francis would explain eventually.

As soon as they reached Alfred's building, Francis parked the vespa and the two got out. Alfred wasn't sure whether to invite him into his apartment or end the date on the doorstep. He decided to see how it played out. The two took their helmets off and Francis put them in the storage compartment before joining Alfred on the sidewalk and walking with him towards the door.

"What happened back there with the police officer? He didn't even give us a ticket" Alfred asked curiously.

"Oh- well my family has some influence in this city. Anyway, how did you enjoy Versailles?" Francis said, stumbling on his words for the first time since Alfred had met him. Alfred wasn't sure why Francis had given him such a vague answer. It was obvious he was trying to change the subject.

"It was beautiful. I still don't know how we managed not to get caught" Alfred admitted, chuckling as he recalled sprinting through the bushes of the gorgeous palace as the guard found their picnic in the middle of the garden.

"Well now that we've checked off 'have a proper first date' on your bucket list, what do you want to do next?" Francis teased flirtatiously as they reached the doorstep of the apartment building.

"I don't have a bucket list!" Alfred shot back as his face flushed. He always felt so immature next to Francis.

"Well if you need a suggestion for what to try next, I've got an idea" Francis purred as he stepped forward so that Alfred's back was touching the door. Leaning forwards, Francis slid his hand down to Alfred's lower back and pulled him in for a lengthy kiss. Alfred was once again tickled by the locks of Francis's hair against his cheek.

When Francis finally pulled away, he gave Alfred a coquetish smile. Their second kiss was almost better than the first. Not trying to be outdone, Alfred surprised Francis by pulling the Frenchman back in for another kiss. Before they knew it, they were making out on the doorstep for anyone to see. After a few minutes, Alfred pulled away and stared down at Francis's lips before softly biting his own.

Francis smirked at the sight of the American's scarlet face and disheveled hair before taking a step back. "I'm quite busy for the next couple days, but if you'd like to join me for coffee on Sunday. I'll pick you up at 8" Francis said as he straightened out his suit, which had become slightly crumpled as he pushed up against Alfred's body.

"Who says I'm free?" Alfred shot back.

"See you sunday" Francis replied before turning and walking back over to the vespa. Alfred stayed out of breath and leaning against the door as he watched Francis speed off into the city. He stood there for a while, letting the crisp air cool his blushing face as he reflected on the most amazing date imaginable. The bar for all future dates was certainly set high.

As soon as his heart stopped beating ridiculously quickly, Alfred fixed his hair and wiped his damp forehead before entering the building and heading up towards his apartment. When he reached the door, he noticed a boquet of pink roses sitting at his doorstop. Alfred smiled in disbelief and picked them up before reading the card that was carefully placed in the wrapping. It read:

À la prochaine


Alfred carried the flowers inside and placed them in a vase as he admired Francis's love for extravagance. Alfred had never met anyone so, as his brother Matthew would say, "extra" in his entire life.

As he reminisced on his dream date, Alfred changed into his pajamas and jumped onto his bed like a giddy kid whose crush had just told them that they liked them. Placing his head on the pillow, Alfred looked up at the ceiling and smiled. Maybe Paris wouldn't be so bad after all.

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