Page Eighty-Eight

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Also: This is why Crainer is a good boy.

You may only enter one of the contests. Art or one shot. Not both.

* You can draw anything using the characters from Stuck.
    * Favorite scene from the comic, favorite character, a new and unique scene/comic of your own using these characters, or just a draw the squad.
* No nsfw, or extreme gore. (Minor cuts and blood are okay)
* Must be colored. Shading is optional.
* Must keep ocs as cameos. The characters are the main focus here
* If it is a shipping drawing about the main crew, keep it canon. (Ssunkipz and DerpCrundee) No oc pairings.

One Shots-
* You may write any original scenario using these characters. Fluff, angst, slice of life, action, mystery, thriller, comedy, etc.
* No abuse/torture fics
* No obsessive use of gore, and no nsfw. (Seriously guys these characters are like my sons. If you harm my children, Mama HK is gonna beat your ass. Jk, but you will be disqualified if you break any of the rules)
* Grammar. Grammar is important. Your story must have at least decent grammar. Misspelling of long and hard words are understandable. Along with maybe some missing commas, but no messing up other grammar. That means quotation marks, periods, and dictation are very important. Shadow and I are grammar nazis so we will be looking out for this sort of stuff.
* If it is a shipfic, only stick to the canon pairings.(Ssunkipz and DerpCrundee)
* Keep ocs as cameos. The main crew are the focus here.
*Don't make the one shot hella short or way too fucking long. For example. Not 5 paragraphs long. And not 5 chapters long. Aim for at most 3 and 1/2 pages and at least 1 and 1/2 pages.


1st for Art / One Shot - An exclusive wallpaper/ background of their oc/persona with the main crew. Lined, colored, and shaded. The whole package. Or you can just request me to draw something for you. The piece will also be signed by me and my co-writer.

2nd - A background of the main crew which I have drawn in advance

3rd- A drawing of their oc, lined and colored.

The contest will last a month. If submissions stop then we will end the contest early. For one shots, just title your book Stuck Contest entry, [and then your actual title]. If it's fanart, post it on DeviantArt and note me, or just pm me the link on Wattpad.

Stuck: a ssunkipz storyWhere stories live. Discover now