☾second-'.. you have to thank that kid'

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"Miss Ronney..can you leave us alone for a bit?" The doctor asked my mom while smiling but he looked worried too..

My mom looked over at me giving me the are-you-gonna-be-ok look and I nodded 'yes'.. the doctor was looking at her as she was walking to the door and slightly closed it from outside..

The doctor slowly turned around and saw me with a worried face..I was so confused and curious at what he was gonna say..

"Uhm..maybe you are hiding it from your mom but I have to tell you..be careful" I didn't know what he was talking about..I didn't say anything,I just had a confused look on my face..wait..is he talking about my..

"Your bruises"

Well fuck..what if he tells mom..she's going to be so sad..

"Oh..uhm,yesterday I fell from the stairs.." I lied

"Well why didn't you come to the hospital..you might have broken a leg or an arm.." he said but he wasn't serious "miss Ronney you can't lie to me..I know those are bruises from violence" well now I'm even more fucked "please don't tell my mom" I said as I tried to move but I still was really tired
"Don't move..and don't worry I won't,I just want to tell you to stay away from whoever that person is.." this made me cry,I wish I could but I can't..there are two reasons why
First,my moms heart will break and second,I like him!How can I like him?!I just do I don't even know..

"But I like him..and if I break up with him my mom will be sad!" Another tear rolled down my cheek.. "Look..your mom will be happy if you leave him cause he uses force over you..if she only new she would kill that whoever guy is it..moms and dads can't handle those kind of things..I even have my own daughter that's why I'm giving you advice.." he's kind,Actually I needed this talk

"Are you done?" My mom asked as she opened the door a bit "yeah come in mrs.Ronney" the doctor said as he turned around to face my mom "and also..you have to thank that kid that brought her here..if you would be late even one more minute than bad things could have happen" the doctor was smiling.. why didn't he tell me this.. "well ok..we'll invite him for dinner tonight..actually his brother too" what?no!Josh is going to be there too! "Well great" the doctor said as he walked over to my mom and shook hands with her

"Get well soon miss" he gave me a big a smile and as he walked over to the door he winked at me which made me giggle..why did he say that to my mom..what is he trying to do..does he think that I can fall for Grayson...well these thoughts made me giggle,which made my mom confused. "Nothing nothing" I said and then bursted in laughter again but this time louder..


"Bro promise me..you won't fight again! I'm tired of your childish behavior" I'm pissed right now! He always wants to make some kind of show but he's actually ruining our reputation..

"Stop!i won't listen to you!Thats what I like to do and I always will!"

"Let's make a deal I'll stop fighting and you'll stop being nice" does he think his behavior is some kind of joke "than go fight again cause I'll never stop being nice!I'll always try to help people if they need any" and I know I'm right!why can't he be nicer to people

"Ok shut up and pick up your damn phone" oh my phone is ringing and I didn't even notice while arguing with E!

I couldn't find my phone..I was trying to find where the noice was coming from and I guess it was coming from Ethan's red hoodie..

"Bro clean your stuff..I couldn't find my phone"

He just rolled his eyes at me and went to the kitchen..

"Hello" I said as I opened the phone.. it was unknown number

"Hello! Is this Grayson?" It was a women's voice on the other hand..it was familiar voice tho.. "yes..?" I still couldn't figure it out who it was.. "it's me..uhm..the mother of the girl that you helped this afternoon!..I got your number from dr.winston,I hope it's not a problem!" I could hear her struggling but actually she wasn't disturbing me..
"Oh yeah hi mrs.Ronney!" I responded as I sat on the couch "so I wanted to invite you for dinner tonight for helping..cause if it wasn't for you than Kristen would be paralyzed right now..so if it wouldn't be a problem for you,we would want you to come for dinner tonight..if you don't want to come alone..you can take your brother with you" well I don't know actually..but if I wouldn't go then I will look like I don't have respect for her!

"It would be a pleasure ma'am,thanks for the invitation" I said as a small smile appeared on my face..

"Well then..we'll see you later at 8 then" she replied and hung up the phone..
So that means we have to be there after 1 and a half hour

"ETHAN" I shouted as loud as I could.. the house is big which it means he probably didn't hear me.. "what" he responded back a minute later "get ready we are leaving for dinner" I didn't want to tell him that we are going at mrs.Ronney cause he wouldn't come.. "I'm not hungry" he replied annoyed "I'm not asking you..I said get ready cause we are leaving" I replied back at him roughly..he is being such a dick sometimes..he's not like this all the time of course..

"Eh..whatever" he's going to kill me when he'll find out that I'll take him at mrs.Ronney house..

As I was trying to calm down from all this drama,my phone turned on.. a message..
I immediately opened it and saw that it was a location..

"Here's the location :)"

It was the same number that called me earlier..Mrs.Ronney!

Hey I just wanted to ask if you guys like the story! :)

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