Against The Grain

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Against The Grain is a three part

Horror story that focuses on the lives of several troubled teens who go up against the biggest and scariest challenges, and facing off against their fears.

Against The



I remember that day like it was yesterday i was alone at my house when I heard a loud bang coming from outside i hurried to the window to see what it was and saw a man who was covered in darkness kick in the door of the weston's home then i heard another bang accompanied by a flash of light then the man hurried out then he went to the lane's home which was diagonal to the previous and he once again kicked in the door but this time there was no bang instead i heard a scream then it was silenced then i saw the flash of light from their window just before the man walked out and headed to the pundmann house diagonal to the lane's it was then i realized he was doing it in a pattern if i was right, then i was next. I hurried to the phone and dialed 911 and told them through panicking and tears to get here fast there is a man killing people, then i heard an ear rippling scream as the youngest of the pundmann's was running out of his house into the street with the man right behind him the man brandished a bloody knife and he swung it at the boy's back missing once then driving it into the boy's neck the boy fell to the ground then the man looked towards my house breathing heavy then he made his way towards our porch then i heard the sirens getting closer and closer, he kicked in the door, then i saw the lights red and blue flashing outside tons of them at all sides, then the man gripped my neck with his strong grip, my head felt heavy, he raised his knife and was about to stab me when..."get on your knees now and drop the weapon." (said one of the officers who was standing in the room behind him, all i could see was a blur, the man pulled out a pistol and fired off several shots, one of the officer's fell gripping his throat, the man's gun clicked, he was out of bullets the two officers in the doorway barreled forward and threw the man to the ground and locked handcuffs around his wrists

Then yanked him onto his feet, i had finally caught my breath and i saw him staring at me with anger in his eyes, like i was the one who had done the harsh things he'd just done. The lights came on and i realized who it was, randall kane he was a quiet man who never bothered anybody my guess was that his loneliness and solitude had led to him going crazy and doing what he did, but that is no reason for the macabre i witnessed on that day.

Chapter One- i lived in peace and was in the process of trying to forget about what happened but it was something counselors couldn't fix i had so many counselors over the years since that are supposed to be specialist's but all they do is restate your problem. But when i was 15, five years after the murders he came back.

Suddenly dreams i had lost were back where randall burst through my bedroom door, yanks me off my bed and grips my throat until i can't breathe but i always wake up as soon as i die, that's why i was awake 2 hours before i had to get ready for school. I was sitting up still trying to catch my breath i sipped on the glass of water that i always kept bedside in case something like this happened that way it could clear my mind, the water drowning the dream out of my head

Then a buzz noise came from my phone that was on my table to my left i reached over and picked it up and turned it on

There was an amber alert reading "Ronnie Mickelson is missing from his home in westonville. Westonville is where i lived. Seconds later after i read it another popped up reading "Randall Kane has been reported missing from his cell in Cedar Hills Correctional facility." my blood ran cold i began hyperventilating at a loss of breath, he's coming for me. I said to myself. Once i had calmed down i went into my bathroom and turned the water on to take a shower, my hands trembling as i turned the knobs, i undressed i got into the tub and took a shower, if you can call it that, in reality i stood beneath the water as it sprayed down on me, once i was finished "taking a shower" i switched off the water and got out the cold air sent shivers down my wet body, i quickly wrapped a towel around my body and i stood in front of the mirror, trying to fix my hair but i couldn't see, the condensation on the glass restricted me from doing so. I reached forward and swiped a section of it off to see my face then i noticed him standing behind me in a red and black flannel jacket with a knife raised, ready to dig itself into my neck. I spun around, he wasn't real, it was another hallucination i took in deep breaths of misty cold air and felt better i quickly got dressed and slung my backpack over my shoulder snatching my phone off my bed and running, almost sprinting towards my bus stop, as i ran down my street, i heard a truck behind me speeding down the street heading straight for me.

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