Fire in the Night - A Death Note Fanfiction

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A deep sigh escaped the teens mouth as she stared over at her sister. Condensation was blown into the air as she rubbed her arms and wrapped her coat that was over her big knitted sweater around her tighter. She looked over at her sister Artemis, who was still peacefully sleeping on the cardboard in the alley way no one seemed to go down these days. "It sure snowed a lot last night." She said as she grabbed her backpack filled with chemicals. "Ill go get some breakfast." She whispered to herself.

Yawning, I rubbed sleep out of my eyes. 'Damn it's cold...' I thought grimacing, attempting to work feeling back into my numb fingers. Looking over to my left, I saw my sister Kai wasn't there. "Probably went to get breakfast..." I muttered, bringing my knees up to my chest to conserve warmth, putting my arms around my knees and flicking a lighter on, just to watch the flame dance and flicker in the cold morning air.

Kai walked into a coffee shop and got two scones, a tea and coffee. She looked at the clock. Five a.m.? She sighed as she walked down the street again and went back the place where she knew her sister was. "One coffee and scone." Kai offered to me. 

Taking both, I gratefully bit into the scone, stomach demanding sustenance. Washing down the bite with my coffee, I grinned "Thanks."

"No problem." Kai looked up as she heard crunching snow, someone was walking down the alley. "....?" 

"Well, have you heard that one threat that Iran sent to America? Pretty rough stuff." I heard a voice say. 

"Yeah, whatever." Another boy's voice said. I heard something crunch in his mouth afterwards.

Looking towards where the sound was coming, Kai stood up, shouldering her backpack. "......"

I kicked the cardboard aside and ruffled up the snow. Kai threw her backpack over her shoulder as she took out a raw bottle of Neon and threw it at the boys walking down the street. Seeing our chance to run, we did just that.

The boys narrowly escaped being hit. Coughing quite hard, the blonde boy said "What the hell was that?!" He picked his chemical iced chocolate and crushed it in his hands as he started to run after the two girls.

Coughing, his redheaded friend shook his head at the feisty blonde and ran after him, admittedly curious as to who the girls were.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw an angry blonde boy? Girl? Whatever, chasing us and a redheaded boy following behind he/she/it. "We've got company!!" I yelled to Kai, who was slightly ahead of me.

Kai didn't dare look back. Handing me an explosive chemical she said, "Throw that at them if they get too close. We'll have to split up."

Grabbing said chemical, I nodded. "Meet you at the park in 10 after we ditch these losers!" And with that, I turned a sharp right into another alley, making sure not to drop the chemical too soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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