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Hey friends!

   For the past few years I've been experiencing some not-so-pleasant things. Friend's deaths, family deaths, health problems, depression, anxiety and other mental disorders (that I'll get into later).

  A few months ago I made a change in my life. I've noticed that I've become happier and healthier. I'm finally in a place where I can talk about it, so I am prepared to share my story with you, and here you can share yours. Consider this group therapy.

So, this is how it will go:

I'll update twice a week. Journal entries, quotes, inspiring photos. You can send me requests for the next entry through a PM. Utilize the comments section as a place to discuss what was said, your feelings on it, and questions you may have. 

I hope this brings us all together. I'm curious what you guys are feeling.

Enough said, let's get to it!



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