A Slight Problem

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Miss Cackle returned to her room and shut the door sadly behind her. She turned to the Founding Stone and did a double take. The pedestal, where she had left the stone only minutes ago, was only occupied by a small slip of paper. She rushed over and picked it up.

Dear Sister,

You thought you could keep me locked away forever? You were foolish to leave the stone unguarded. I don't know about you, but I think it is humorous that the Hallows, of all people, continue to help me unwittingly with my quest. I have been searching for years, and the Founding Stone just happens to be found by Mildred Hubble and hidden by Ethel. And poor Esemerelda. That girl is a bright witch, and because of her loyalty to you, her life has been ruined. But do not worry, the Founding Stone is safe in my care. With this stone, I have power to control the school's magic. Your school will fall apart without its magic. So here is my deal. Give up your magic and surrender your school to me or the school will fall. You have until dusk.

Miss Cackle swallowed hard and rushed out of the room. She banged on Miss Hardbroom's door.

"Hecate! Wake up! It's Agatha!" she whispered through the door. The lock jangled and the door opened to reveal a disgruntled Miss Hardbroom.

"Agatha! She escaped? How?"

"I have no idea, but she has the Founding Stone"

"The Founding Stone!?" she closed the door softly behind her and they started down the corridor. "She found it?"

"Well, no. Esmerelda found it. Ethel had it. She was trying to return Esme's powers, but Esmerelda returned the stone to me."

"Esemerelda is here? Ethel had the stone? Oh dear, these Hallows will be the death of me."

"Esme is sleeping in a spare room. This was left in the stone's place." Hecate took the note and studied it closely.

"We can't do this. We must get the stone from her before dusk." They stopped in the entrance to the staff dormitories.

"I know, but even all of the staff together will not be enough to stop Agatha with the stone."

"If only we could remove her powers once more."

"You know as well as I do that you can only remove a witch's magic if they are hers originally."

"I know Ada. We should wake the teachers. Then we can decide on the best course of action." They worked their way down the corridor, and in an hour, the entire staff was gathered in the Great Hall.

"What are we going to do? We cannot allow Agatha to take the school!" Mr. Rowan-Webb said, his arm around Miss Bat.

"I know. I guess our first course of action is to evacuate the school. The girls are more important than any building. Miss Hardbroom, Miss Drill? Will you please wake the girls and gather them here." Miss Cackle turned as the women disappeared into the air. Soon, the hall was filled with girls, all dressed in their nightwear, whispering to each other. In the corner, all three Hallows huddled, talking under their breath. The teachers stood talking on the stage, Miss Cackle coordinating as various staff members vanished left and right, all delivering messages to powerful wizards and witches. After a short while, Miss Cackle stepped forward and the Hall fell silent.

"As many of you already know, my sister, Agatha, has escaped and is in possession of the Founding Stone. She has ordered our surrender by dusk, or serious consequences may ensue." This was met by terrified whispers, but they were soon silenced by Miss Cackle "There is nothing to fear girls. We are going to evacuate the school. Staff members will be taking you home by transference spell. We have alerted the Great Wizard, and we will find Agatha and take back the stone. Now, will you please get with your year and report to the following teachers." She listed off several teacher's names and the girls broke into groups. Soon, all of the teachers were leading the girls back to their rooms to collect their things. Miss Cackle caught the Hallows before they left.

"I suggest you three stay together. It would be pointless to send you home seperate, would it not? Ethel, may I speak to you a moment? Sybil and Esmerelda can pack your belongings." Miss Cackle looked at Esmerelda, and she nodded, understanding. Ethel followed her gaze, and looked questioningly at her sister, then followed Miss Cackle into a back room.

"Esme told you. I knew it."

"No Ethel. I figured it out all by myself. Your sister may be talented, but she is a terrible liar. I just wanted you to know that, while I am disappointed in you, I do not blame you for Agatha's actions." Miss Cackle looked at the girl. She seemed sad, almost ashamed.

"If I had known.. How much this would hurt Esme.. I would have... I would have never..."

"I know," Miss Cackle interjected, "You have many faults, as we all do, but you have remarkable loyalty to your sisters, whether you realize it or not. Now, go home. Your parents will never know. In fact, Miss Hardbroom and I are the only staff aware of your involvement. Hopefully by tomorrow, all of this will be sorted out and it will be a thing of the past. I must go." Miss Cackle disappeared and Ethel returned to her room. By noon, all the girls were back in the Great Hall and the teachers had started taking students home. In the corner, Mildred, Enid, and Maud were all whispering to one another.

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