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Hey guys it's Ash here!
(Wow, that was cringy af O_O)
Anyways, so, a few years ago I came up with an idea for a community I wanted to spread throughout the internet, it's called Isolation, My Salvation.
Technically, all it is, is just a community about people (emo's, more or less) who suffer from things like; trauma, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and other.

There are so many people in this world who are suffering, but you're not going to know who those people are, because they refuse to admit it/tell anyone.
People like me, and maybe like you.
We have been hurt, walked out on, constantly, and we normally don't know why.
We just keep getting let down, and no one ever does anything for us.
We've let people into our hearts, and they break us.
They lie to us.
"I love you, and I care! I want to help you, and I won't leave you until I do!" they say
But they lie, they never do help us. They end up leaving us instead, making us feel unwanted, unimportant, worthless, and like no one can love us - therefore, making us feel like we don't belong here - most of the time, this results in suicide.

We feel like there's no one out there that understands us.
No one out there that understands how we feel, and what we're going through.
They keep bothering us with all their shit, claiming to be trying to help us but only making things worse.
We hate the way we live, and we're usually stuck wishing we'd just die (not always meaning we're going to kill ourselves).
People who call us stupid for wanting to die, obviously are dumb and wouldn't last 3 days in our shoes.
Haters are the worst.
They think they own the world.
They talk to us in a way that seems like they're trying to convince us that they can SEE us.
"There's nothing wrong with your life. No one's doing anything to hurt you. No one's abusing you. You've got everything. I wish I had your life. Your just an attention seeker who needs to get a life, and maybe even a job..." they say
People don't get hurt physically all the time. Emotional and mental abuse is just as bad.

At least HATERS have people who listen to their bullshit.
At least HATERS don't get waved away for asking for help.
We ask for help, and we get called SELFISH.
"You don't care about anyone, but yourself!" they say

People like us... are everywhere.
It could be anyone, even the person who sits next to you at school/work/etc.
We can all agree that SOMETIMES, life is hard... life is mean... life is brutal... and somewhat, REALLY unfair.
People are being bullied, abused, no one listens to them, and therefore they feel like no one cares, believes, or understands them.
... and no, I'm not just saying that. Because half the time, I feel this way too.
Like people are sick of me, because I'm asking for their help, and they obviously can't help me.
I feel like no one understands me, because no one wants to listen to me. Normally, I end up believing it's because they don't know how to deal with the situation, they don't know how to respond because they've never been through it..., and so, the only way to get rid of that problem, is to wave me away and pretend like I'm just being silly.

If you relate, or know someone who seems to be this type of person, or just care enough to want to support us, here are a bunch of links and websites (listed below) that I've created to help us out. If you're interested in this blog - if you feel like, after reading this, that there are people here that relate to your situations, - more or less, me being one of them) then you'd be happy to know that I'm making this community even biggerEVERY SINGLE DAY!

So PLEASE get involved!
Because sooner or later, there will even be tours, and days where you can meet up with the other members of this community, and do activities like; karaoke, talent shoes, movie days, road trips, camps, swimming, barbeques, Day At The Lake, and many other weird things.
We're even trying to create a magazine where people can write about themselves, or write short stories, poems, sales, private activities (like, birthday parties for someone's little sister - naturally YOUR sibling, or someone you're close to - and meet other people just like yourselves.

Help me make this big!
I need your help.
YOU, as an individual.
Even by just following us, liking our stuff (the more likes we get, the more clear it becomes that we're making progress and that people like what we're doing)
Probably comment on the things I write because I need to work on my English skills (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.)
I talk too much.
I'm trying to get it all out without repeating something, or making it too long, boring, and end up droning on (like it's already started to)
Because I won't re-read this.
For about, 3 months.



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