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To say that I hated hospitals would be an understatement. But when one of your best friends happens to be in said hospital, you really don't have much of a choice. Especially when that best friend happens to be Lydia Martin.

  She had woken up about three days ago, relieving her parents, the doctors, and friends about her state. When a person is a coma, it's pretty safe to say that most people freak out. Because as the doctors like to remind you every ten minutes, there is always a chance that the patient won't wake up. Unless you're in a movie. If you're in a movie, you always wake up but somehow manage to forget you're married to someone like Channing Tatum. I don't mean to be rude, but how in holy hell do you forget you're married to Channing freaking Tatum?

  Anyway, Lydia was healing beautifully as Ms. McCall had stated. It was weird that she was healing like any other human would. She had been bitten by an Alpha and as Peter so calmly put it, the bite either takes you or you die. Scott's bite healed within a day, turning back into his naturally smooth skin. Lydia's bite was starting to scab over. And she wasn't dead.

  She was actually able to get up and take her own showers, which the strawberry blonde was excited about. I understood exactly why. After lying in a bed for almost two weeks straight, you kind of want to wash all the gross off.

  Lydia had been visited by hoards of people and her room was starting to turn into a flower shop. There were only few people who visited more than once. Her mother, which was a given. Her father also showed up frequently, which was kind of shocking. Lydia and her father hadn't gotten a long at all after the divorce. But then again, she still was his daughter. The other people would be me, Allison, Stiles and Scott. We would come in after school to check up on how she was doing. When she woke up, Allison and I had begun staying longer, so she'd have someone to talk too. Stiles and Scott tended to stick to the hallway, not really used to our strawberry blonde companion and her snarky attitude.

  I was currently walking through the halls of Beacon Hills Hospital with two bags dangling from either arm. The left one was filled with some Thai food that Lydia requested seeing as the only appetizing thing the hospital had was water. And the right bag held the outfit Lydia made me go get from her house. She was being extremely pushy about the whole thing, which I was happy about. She was still Lydia, bite or not.

  So she had sent me off an hour ago. I had left Stiles behind because he claimed he didn't want to sit around while I dug through Lydia's never ending closet. So I borrowed the keys to his jeep and left.

  "I think I'll try defying gravity," I sang quietly. Apparently staying up and watching a Glee marathon wasn't the best option. Now I had that stupid Wicked song in my head.

Holding Out for a Hero ▸ Stiles Stilinski (2)Where stories live. Discover now