Lauren cimorelli

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Hi there I am Lauren's friend and I'm gonna tell you a bit about her and pretend I'm her.... Hi I'm Lauren Cimorelli I'm 17 years old and I was born in Sacramento California and I'm in a band with my 5 sisters Christina (25) Katherine (24) Lisa (21) Amy (20) Lauren (17) Dani (16) and I'm kinda like a tomboy I like caps and high waisted shorts and jackets and I have converse an vans and uggs my favourite cover so far is human by Christina Perri Omg my birthday is soon!! 17 is the bae! !!! I love going to concerts and meeting the CimFan they're CimFabulous!!! I loved our boom clap cover because we got to use those powder puff things!! Made us look funny!!😜 We made so many songs on our renegade Ep!!! Dani will make a story too To be continued cimbae

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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