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*Message from Jimin*

What the hell? Why would he be messaging me this late

Jimin> Heyy 😉

Me> what

Jimin> I'm hurt ㅠㅡㅠ

Me> why the hell r u texting me right now

Jimin> I just felt like it

Me> bye.

Jimin> noooo ;-;

You're making oppa sad ;(

Me> you're not my oppa

Jimin> I will be soon ;)

Me> ew

Jimin> ow my hearteu~~
But I do admit that was kinda


Please answerrr

I know you're reading this >:T

Me> yeah get a hint

Jimin> you're no fun :/

Seriously this kid... Why did I even give him my number... mistakes were made

I also need to wake up early tomorrow, I read an ad on my way home for that new cafe that opened recently and apparently they need workers

"I hope it works this time" I said as I closed my eyes shut to sleep

The next morning

"Alright looking good" I said looking at the mirror in front of me I was wearing black ripped jeans and a yellow shirt with my red converse and my black jacket

I headed out to the train station waiting for the next train to arrive and suddenly I got a call

Oh God it's him again

"What do you want Jimin" I sighed

"Are you busy?" he asked

"Yes bye"

"WAIT WAIT I'm serious this time"

"Spill it"

"I can't tell you on the phone, meet me infront of 'noir et blanch' as soon as possible it's urgent"

"Make me"

"I'll buy you lunch"

"Deal" I said as I hung up

Well I guess the job's gotta wait.. pfft who's dumb enough to miss out on free food

Twenty minutes later:

I had arrived at the front of the bar and noticed Jimin leaning on the wall near the entrance

"Hana!" His eyes lit up as he walked towards me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him

"Yah! Where the hell do you think you're going and why are you taking me with you"I shouted at him who gave him the right to touch me

"We need a private place to talk" he said almost whispering

"What the-" we arrived in front of a car that was parked not too far from we met as he opened the passenger seat door for me

"Get in" he said looking at me

I sighed as I got in the car I mean he isn't gonna kidnap me or anything or at least that's what I think

He closed the door and walked around the car getting into the driver's seat turning his gaze towards me

"What is there something on my face? Speak up why did you drag me here I have a life to take care of you know hurry up" I said looking at his serious expression

"No it's just there's thi-" he was cut off by his phone ringing

"Excuse me for a minutes" he said picking up to soon hear yelling from the other side of the phone

"Yeah.. I'm sorry I went out for a while yeah.. Yeah I know sorry.. She's with me now ofcours... Alright see you soon" he hung up

She's with me now? Is he talking about me??

"Hey! What's this fuss all about" I told him as he turned his gaze to me again

"Ah I'm so sorry you must be so confused right now.. You see.. I heard from baekhyun hyung that you're a photographer is that true?" I felt my body shiver listening to his words

"Well.. I used to be into photography but that was only a hobby 'cause I liked to take pictures of.. A certain model and my works just got a bit viral on the internet but unfortunately I don't do that anymore" I locked my hands together trying my best not to get my voice to crack

"But why did you stop" he said curiously

"Well my model... Quit" I ruffled my hair looking up at him

"Why are you asking this anyways" I asked

"I uh.. My group has to take pictures for out upcoming comeback but our photographer called last minute and informed us that he's in the hospital this morning" he said nervously

"Wait are you asking me to work as a photographer for you and your idol group??" I asked shocked

"Y-yeah.. " he said smiling innocently

"Hell no"

"W-what why"

"Aren't you guys like.. Super famous or something go find another person to do that for you"

"The photo shoot is due to tonight we can't delay and we wouldn't be able to find anyone this fast either plus the staff already worked hard on preparing us for it please~~"

I sighed heavily "what do I get from this do I get paid?"


"Fine.. Whatever, so are you gonna buy me lunch or nah"

"Yeah! I'll drive you to he best restaurant I know thank you honestly you're a life saver" he said with a wide smile on his lips

"Yeah yeah just drive" I said leaning back on the comfortable seat

"Alright" a chuckle ascaped his mouth as he put his eyes we're directed at the road in front of him


I was sitting on in front Park Jimin himself waiting for our food to arrive having a little chat about the job he offered me earlier

"So like I said all the equipments needed are ready at he place of he photo shoot" he said sipping water from the glass in front of him

"So where is it exactly" I asked

"Oh it's at the old train station the one that closed years ago it's not too far from the-" he was cut off yet again by his phone ringing

He picked up the phone this time there wasn't any yelling thank god

"What?! What do you mean.. What the... how did that happen??" he seemed shocked and started panicking

"Is everything alright?" I asked out of curiosity what is it now?

"Someone took a picture of us and it's all over the net" he said with a panicked expression on his face

"What?? When?" I asked I mean it can't be that bad right?

"Uh.. Remember when.. I hugged you yesterday..." He gave me a 'I'm too young to die' look

Ah there goes my sanity

Flying away

Hello it's me
It's another chapter!!
*throws glitter*
I know I didn't update for the last 3 days ... I'm sorry? Pls don't kill me ;-;
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter 👌
See you next time with another chapter

Hyko out ☆

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