a hearts desire.

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[A.N] >> The following is an ekphrastic poem and goes along with the painting above (painting isn't mine, I can't paint like that haha) :)


I feel trapped.

My walls have started breaking.

My dreams are vanishing.

My parents want to map my life out.

I want to be different.

I don't want to be an ordinary girl.

Being normal is boring.

I want to travel the world,

Not be trapped.

I want to finish school,

Not be held back.

I want to be free,

Not locked in.

But what will my family think?

Will my brother hate me?

Will my friends forget me?

Even though I am leaving,

This life behind.

The memories will still linger,

In my heart and mind.

It's time to be me.

Leave and not look back.

Embark on a new journey,

And re-start from square one.

♥ the beauty and the broken within me by ana ♥Where stories live. Discover now