1. Hello Los Angeles!

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"Camila, Diego's here!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Tell him to come upstairs!" I was in my room packing everything I own and was running a little late so I didn't have any time to lose.

I was taking off the pictures I had on my bedroom wall, some of me and Diego, others with my best friend, Sofia, with my closest group of friends from school... I'm already feeling emotional, oh God...

I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around me and a husky voice whispering in my ear.

"I'm going to miss you so much." The voice I recognized as Diego said and I turned around to face him.

"I'm going to miss you too, mi amor." I said before giving him a long and passionate kiss. "But, as I already told you, you don't have to worry, we're going to Skype every day and, when we can, we'll visit each other, you can go to LA sometime and I'll show you around, and I also have to come back home to visit you, abuelita and Sofia!" I said while continuing to take the pictures of the wall and storing them in a box.

"It's not going to be the same..." He said lowering his head with a sad look on his face.

"Hey..." I placed both my hands on his cheeks and held his face up for him to look me in the eyes "It's never going to be the same but we can try to at least make it work. You know I have no other choice.".

"Yeah, I know but..." He looked away from me and let out a frustrated sigh.

"But...?" I asked trying to make him get to the point because I couldn't believe we were going to have this conversation again.

"Isn't the distance going to make things..." He started to say until I interrupted him.

"Diego please stop, we talked about this already, no worries." I said holding his hands in mine to calm him.

"Just to make sure, the moment one of us starts to feel like things are different..." I interrupted him again.

"We tell the other. Babe, we've always been honest with each other and that's not going to change!" I said already feeling kind of annoyed because he kept going back to this subject instead of enjoying the time he has left with me.

"I know, my only concern is that we've only been together 6 months now, I'm worried that it isn't enough time for our relationship to make it long distance." He said sitting on the floor, since my room didn't have any furniture left.

"Come on babe, I didn't know this insecure part of you." I joked as I hugged him tight.

"I'm only like this because I know how much I'm going to suffer with you not being here with me." He said, pouting his bottom lip.

"Enough of this conversation, okay? I want to enjoy the little time I have left with you being happy!" I said giving him a little peck on the lips.

"Is that what you consider a goodbye kiss?" He said laughing and pulling me to lay on the floor on the top of him.

"No no, sorry babe, that type of goodbye is not available at the moment since both my parents are downstairs waiting for me so we can leave to the airport." I said getting up from the floor and continuing to store some stuff I had left in the room.

"That sucks." Diego said grabbing my ass and we laughed.

When I finished packing everything and my room was all empty, we went downstairs where my parents were finishing putting everything in the car trunk, we helped them and after a while we had everything good to go. That's when Sofia showed up which meant it was time for goodbyes.

"Well, I guess this is it..." I said already feeling my eyes watering looking at my best friend and boyfriend who also had very sad looks on their faces.

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