Chapter 21

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Only when Zi You got into the van, was it that he could finally breathe, without having to worry about being uncomfortable. It didn't help that from time to time, he would feel three pairs of eyes on him. That's right, three pairs of eyes, not one.

He felt like he was getting stripped by the stares and sometimes even looked to make sure that he was still wearing clothes.

When he stepped back into his house, he was overjoyed. Oh, how he missed home. Immediately he launched himself towards his room, without caring about anyone.

He jumped right into his bed, as he snuggled himself in, only to remember that he wasn't clean yet. Forcing himself, he got up to take a shower. When he got up, he checked his phone and noticed that he got some new notifications.

When he clicked on it, he found out that Lui Yun and Min Yue had sent a friend request. He immediately clicked yes, before putting his phone aside.

Covering his mouth, as he yawned, he got up and walked towards the door, closing it and turning off the lights.

It didn't take ten seconds before he was out cold.

Zi You was peacefully sleeping when a voice was heard in his dream, dragging him out of his sleep. Trying to open his eyes, he couldn't tell what he was seeing until fifteen seconds later. When he could see, the first thing he saw was Meng Shu.

"Good morning, Meng Shu." Zi You said as he showed a smile towards Meng Shu.

Meng Shu almost had a heart attack when he heard Zi You's voice. Coupled with Zi You's messy looking hair, Meng Shu had to resist the urge to pinch his cheeks.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Meng Shu replied as he opened the curtains.

Zi You grimaced as his eyes suffered an attack from the sun. Barely moving his body he raised his hand towards Meng Shu.

Meng Shu got the hint and could only chuckle as he grabbed Zi You's hand and pulled him up.

Looks like Zi You underestimated Meng Shu's strength. When he got pulled up, he almost fell over, if it weren't for Meng Shu helping him stand.

Zi You thanked Meng Shu before entering the shower. After getting out, with only a towel around his waist, he grabbed some clothes, and started to wear them.

When Meng Shu saw Zi You exiting the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, he immediately started to have this burning sensation down below. Zi You exited the bathroom looking like a sexy fairy. The water droplets hanging off his body made him look so hot. His wet hair hung close to his neck and his beautiful gray eyes were twinkling. His lips looked even redder after taking a shower. It didn't help that Zi You was also putting his clothes on right in front of him.

"S-sorry," Meng Shu managed to say before fleeing the room.

What's wrong with him? Zi You raised his eyebrows, while looking at Meng Shu run out of the room. Whatever, Zi You thought as he shook his hair.

After about ten minutes he then slowly got out of the room. Dressed in a black shirt, he also had on black leather pants that felt like it would squeeze the living out of him. With slow gentle steps, he climbed down towards the living room.

By the time he had got there, Lu Yin had already finished making breakfast. Instead of sitting down, he helped Lu Yin set the table before calling everyone over. They all ate in peace, and this time Zi You made sure to not sit next to Meng Shu, or else Mr. Jealous will strike at him again.

After they had finished eating and cleaning up, Zi You offered for them to go play in the game room. They had nothing to do today so might as well hang out together.

Surprisingly everyone agreed, even Cheng Wu. With a big smile he led them towards the game room, before letting them all loose. Pretty soon the whole room was erupted with noise. 

Seeing how everyone was doing their own thing, Zi You slowly crept out of the room. Grabbing his keys he hopped into his car. I'm coming, he silently thought as he started the engine and rushed off. He made sure to leave a note behind in case anyone got worried.

His heart was beating louder as he got closer to that place. Right now he felt like crying but things have changed. He wasn't who he use to be.

When he finally arrived, after two hours, he walked out of the car. As he saw the house, a sad smile appeared on his face. It was still the same, everything, nothing had changed.

With very slow footsteps he stepped towards the door, before ringing the doorbell. Slow footsteps were heard coming towards the door. The door opened up revealing a woman with black and gray hair, her face showed signs of aging.

Seeing this face, Zi You almost started to cry, but forced it away.

"Hello, who are you?" The woman said, her voice soft and gentle.

"I'm Zi You, ....... Jiang Tian's friend." Zi You replied, his eyes glued onto the figure of the women ahead of him.

The woman flinched hearing the name of her deceased son.

"C-come in," she said opening the door to let Zi You in.

Smell. The smell of home attacked his nose, as he softly sighed. Everything had not changed from the moment he had last visit.

His eyes landed on the figures ahead of him. A young woman sat on the couch along with a man. The young woman, although not beautiful like Zi You, had a face that looked really gentle. The man had a face that was almost identical to Jiang Tian.

Zi You nervously took a seat on the couch, opposite of them.

"Why are you here?"

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