The Calls ( SP)

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Sneak Peeks from Chapter Two - The Calls.   (accidentally the whole version)


  Ameritz was cooking scrambled eggs and toasting breads. *beep beep*, a phone call. She picked it up.

A: Hello?

Caller : Ameritz! How are you? ( sounds friendly)

A : Mum! Hi! I'm fine, thanks. What about you?

Mum: Younger as ever! ( chuckling )

A: Haha! How's dad?

M : Oh, he's good. Darwin just got some injuries.

A : Well, I never asked about him.

Mum : Oh, stop it!

A : Okay...okay.... well, what happened to him?

M : Oh, he got a match last week---

A : Football? ( She cuts her mom )

M : Yeah. And, he said there is a match with another school, and a boy kicked his leg. He fell hard onto the ground and his knee hit a big ,...... hidden as what he said...... rock.

A : Ouch! So how is he?

M : Better......I guess. Still receiving medication treatment. We have nurses to come to our house.

A : Mmm..... ( Ameritz heard the kettle she put on has whistled)


A : Well, I gotta go Mum. Do visit me.

M : Yeah, I heard that..... Okay, bye sweetie.

A : Bye.

After preparing herself a breakfast, there is another phone call. She picked it up.

A : Hello?

Caller : ........(buzz buzz)....(buzz buzzz).................

A : Hello?

Calelr: ......................(buzz buzz)...................  

Still no answer.that same sound

A : Who is this?

Caller: ................(puts telephone down)    BEEEEEEEP....................

Ameritz sigh. Before she walked back to the dining table, the phone rang again. She got a little angry this time.

A : Hello! Who is this!

A man : Hello. I'm sorry. May I speak to Daniel?

A : Sorry, wrong number.

A man : ( A pause ) ( that same "no signal" sound)

After a while,

A man : Oh okay, sorry.

And puts down the phone.

Ameritz is now a little confused. She continues her walk as in to satisfy her tummy that is sure growling now.

( A picture of her breakfast plate) ( A/N: I actually drew it....)

Ameritz prepared herself and drove to work. 


Mr Redwood was eating with his one and only lovely wife, Martha. Martha Redwood broke the silence.

Martha R : Honey, are you alright?

Ricky R : Why shouldn't I be?

Martha R : You looked worried.

Ricky R : Hmm...... Oh, err, nothing. ( He said slowly)                 Mmmm......this sandwich tasted soo.... good. (Trying to change the subject)

Martha R : So, you're telling me that it always tasted soo....(mimicking Ricky) bad all these years?

And the sweet couples laughed.


A/N : So, how was it?  Note : This is actually not even a sneak peek. It is the whole chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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