John cena and Eve 2

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So John and Eve had sex while Zack Ryder's injury but now what will they say about it today ? Lets find out


Johns locker room

Eve : what happened here ?

John : well don't be stupid Eve , we had sex and you said you've enjoy it

Eve : John , Ryder's going to get pissed off if he finds out about it and I don't why the hell I listened to to you for

John : he won't know anyways he's injured so he can't do anything about

Eve : well you're right about that but he could find out in someway

John : he will be back in mid February so we have some time to be dating

Eve : well alright we can date but not when we are working like here

John : ok and please give me a kiss

Eve : alright

Eve gives a kiss to John

Eve : well I have to change and bath because we are still in the arena and we need to visit Zack Ryder from the hospital

John : oh ok

The hospital

Nurse : Yes may I might help you guys ?

Eve : Yes where is Zack Ryder ?

Nurse : okay follow me

Eve and John follow The Nurse to Zacks room

Eve : Hey Zack how are you doing ?

Zack : I'm doing pretty well and Hey John

John : Hey

Zack : well it was nice to see you guys

John and Eve leave the room

John : well while Zack is injured want go on vacation to your hometown ?

Eve : yes but we can be together but without Zack noticing or else we will get in trouble

John : okay

So John and Eve are going on vacation to Colorado , Denver while Zack is injured and will there be any way that Zack will find out ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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