Chapter 1: WICKED

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Aris and I sit side by side, facing Harriet, Sonya and Quill. I've gotten close to Aris. I wouldn't mind calling him a Friend.

As always, I have my black hood on, which covers my face. They can see nothing of my face, except a glint of blue from my eyes. My Caribbean blue eyes have always looked beautiful, but now looking at my own reflection just makes me sick.

"There's another group coming in today," Sonya says, sounding slightly excited. "They're the last ones."

Harriet nods. "I heard it was all guys."

"Well they're here, so shut up," Aris mutters, and sure enough, WICKED's canteen doors open up and a group of boys walk in.

I stand, heading towards Janson. I've been through enough Changings to remember him well. His rat-like face is familiar, and the sight of him makes me want to hurl. The way he's fooling everyone here...

"Janson," I keep my tone down, trying to ignore the people watching me, wondering what's so special about me that lets me approach him. "Is there any today?"

At night, we take shifts to watch WICKED. In the days, apart from eating, WICKED would personally bring me out and throw lessons at me, conducted by this person called Merit. They taught me Latin-which I am so good at that I think I've learnt it before. They also give me physical training. The others don't receive it though. I've been told to keep it a secret. I would've anyways.

Janson nods. "If you're talking about the trainings, I'm not that sure. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make some announcements."

I walk back to our table and slide onto the bench. Janson can be so dumb at times.

"Why'd you go there?" Harriet asks, frowning.

I shake my head. "Was just asking him something."

Harriet narrows her eyes at me but doesn't speak. She glances over at the guys, though. They're looking towards us, seated with a few guys of another group.

In truth, I took a pistol from him.

We were the first group to arrive. Been here for about a week. And we aren't exactly the most... sociable people.

"You think they could help us out?" Aris asks me in a low whisper.

I shake my head. "Not yet."

Harriet looks at us with a raised eyebrow. "We're trusting people now?"

I scowl under the hood. "We can't leave by ourselves. We wouldn't stand a day alone. We need help. The rest have all already been practically brainwashed. Wait."

Sonya nods slowly. "She's right. We need to wait."

"Everyone, listen up!" Janson says, clipboard in his hand. "When I call out your names, please step forward."

He starts with the list, reading the first name. Sometime midway, someone from the guys' table stands up abruptly and starts walking to the window.

"Teresa? Teresa!" He shouts.

Two WICKED guards are at him right away. They grab his arms as the girl turns to look at him. I almost laugh. Teresa Agnes. Subject A1, the Betrayer. She's not one we should actually trust. The name literally states as much.

"What the hell?" Quill mutters.

I shut up now, watching with curious fascination. I don't know why I'm so intrigued by this. It just seems so hilarious someone would do that. What an idiot.

"Now now, Thomas. That's enough of that," Janson says, then continues down the list casually.

He's called out at least about a dozen people when he finally stops and thanks us for no reason and leaves.

"That was... strange," Quill says.

"Tonight I'll take shift," Aris says in a low whisper.

I nod. "I'll follow you."

We both stand up, stepping over the bench and walking towards the open doors. Usually, they don't allow us to go out before dismissal, but they stay away from me. Can't blame them. I was built to keep people as far away from me as possible. And there are also other reasons, of course.

"At least you have your nights free," Aris mutters.

I scowl, but of course, he can't see.


We crawl in the vents, Aris in front and me behind. Aris navigates his way through the paths we've discovered to follow the WICKED faculty. As always, we end up at the area with a shaft below us. Now we are lying next to each other, watching the events unfolding below.

"Here they come," Aris whispers, though the sound of their loud footsteps isn't exactly hard to pick up on.

They wheel in some large thing that sort of looks like a technological coffin. There are computer pads of sorts and screens on it. I already know that there's a body in there. Revulsion creeps up in me, and I bite my lower lip.

With a swipe of the key card, they enter. I watch, but nothing else happens, as always.

"We need to get the key card," Aris mutters.

"I know how," I narrow my eyes at the door, my mind working to come up with a plan.

Aris raises an eyebrow. "How?"

"The new kid today. The one in centre attraction at dinner. He can help," I say, choosing carefully to not elaborate too much.

"Okay. I'll talk to him tomorrow," Aris says. I marvel at how easy it is for Aris to trust people. We've only known each other for maybe two weeks, but he's so willing to listen and just follow my suggestions. "Let's go back and tell the girls."

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