Your Reflection in the Rain

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I'm the girl you'll tell your next lover
about -
the one that broke your heart.
She's going to think that I'm cruel.
She's going to marvel
at my stupidity.
She'll wonder
how I could possibly have
wanted to let you go.
I don't mind.

I don't mind because it's true.
I don't mind because although
it hurts me to
think of you loving someone else,
it heals me too.
You thought you were broken
but that didn't stop me
from nonchalantly
on your
If I loved you, I loved you like
I was a car and you were a gas station;
you were a pit stop and I was itching
to be back on the road.

I don't know how soon it will be,
but it will be.
You'll find her, or she'll find you.
You'll love again
and I hope she loves you the way
I should have.
Beautifully, wonderfully, carefully.
She can't fix you,
but she'll help you pick yourself up.
She'll hold the glue
while you stick yourself back together.

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