Cards Against Humanity

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How this happened was beyond her. Y/N jokingly suggested that the boys and her have a game night in the bunker and, next thing she knows, her, Sam and Dean are sitting at the table with their initials carved into it playing Cards Against Humanity.

Y/N grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl between her and Sam as Dean passed out the white cards.

"Who's drawing the first black card?" Y/N asked. Both Dean and Sam shrugged.

"Guess I'll do it." Sam reached forward and grabbed the card on top of the black pile. "Were playing to four, right?" Y/N nodded and Sam read the question.

"What's my secret power?" Y/N shuffled through all the cards before placing one in front of her. Dean placed his on top a few seconds later and Y/N grabbed them both before shuffling them under a table where Sam couldn't see and then passing them to him.

"What's my secret power?" Sam lifted the first card from the stack. "Inappropriate yodelling." Sam sighed as both Dean and Y/N started laughing. It took a minute but after the two quieted down he picked up the other one.

"Or, Half-assed foreplay." Y/N threw her head back laughing and Dean banged his fist on the table as he laughed.

"I'm gonna have to go with half-assed foreplay." Y/N grabbed the black card and placed it in front of her. Sam let out a breath of a laugh before turning to Y/N with a smirk. "You're turn."

Y/N picked up a black card. "Blank? There's an app for that."

Dean immediately slammed down a card. Sam took another minute before he grabbed Dean's card and shuffled it with his under the table and passed them to Y/N.

"Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum? There's an app for that." Y/N said, barely making it through the sentence without laughing. Sam and Dean burst out laughing and took ages to calm down.

Y/N took a deep breath and read the next card.
"A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis? There's an app for that." And... The laughing returned. Y/N took a few deep breaths before announcing, "Okay, snapping turtle gets it."

Dean raised his beer up and Y/N placed the black card in front of him.

The rest of the rounds were similar until they got to the last round with the score at Y/N: 3, Sam: 3, and Dean: 2, Dean's turn to pick a black card.

"My life is ruled by a vicious cycle of blank and blank. Two cards. I'm gonna go grab another beer." Dean stood up and left for the kitchen.

After careful consideration, Y/N placed two cards in front of Dean's seat. Sam placed his on top of that. Two minutes later Dean returned, passing beers to the other two sitting at the table.

"Okay, My life is ruled by a vicious cycle of, " He flipped the top card, "Passive aggressive post-it notes and, "He flipped the second card over, "Copping a feel." No-one made a sound, or gave away whose cards those were. Dean rolled his eyes at the seriousness.

"Or, my life is ruled by a vicious cycle of, "First card, "Demonic Possession," Dean allowed himself to look a little surprised before flipping the second card, "And.... Daddy Issues."
Dean rolled his eyes again. "Yup, that one."

Y/N raised her arms in the air to signify her victory. The other two laughed at her display.

"Really though, demonic possession and daddy issues?" 

"C'mon, it was too good to pass up."

The other two laughed along with her as they hauled all the junk food spread across the table into the TV room. Y/N fell asleep on the couch with her head on Dean's shoulder and feet in Sam's lap while one of Dean's western movies was playing in the background.

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