"A Wrinkle In Time" with Levi Miller / pt 1

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Hey people before you start I'd like to say that it is true I am French so even though I speak English fluently I might make a few mistakes in this book. And also I am French and I did live in China for a year and my mom is an English teacher. Anyway. Enjoy!

I was finally living in LA. Moving was hard especially since I had to leave my whole family behind. They couldn't come and it would've been hard anyway since I am french. Yes that's right. I'm french and I speak English fluently since the age of 11. My mom is an English teacher but I started speaking English fluently when I moved in China with my family for a year. But enough about that. My sister asked if I wanted her to come with me and I said no. I wasn't ready to live just with her yet. So I moved in a pretty big house that my parents and grandparents managed to buy for me.

Finally I would be doing what I loved. I would become an actress. It was official and I would be starting my first movie in a few days. In fact I had a week before we started shooting. I would be playing the part of Meg Murry in the Disney movie "A Wrinkle In Time". I never read the book and always wanted to. But now I would be playing in the movie adaptation and that was insane! I would be playing amongst great movie actors and actresses like Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon, Oprah Winfrey and so much more. Including Levi Miller. I was very excited about that. Meeting Levi was a dream come true. I watched him in Pan and Peter Pan was always my favorite Disney character and Jeremy Sumpter was great at playing him. But Levi played so well and was so mature for his age. Same in Better Watch Out. That movie was insanely funny and Levi played so well. And I was about to meet him and play a role in a movie with him which is great since he was born in 2002 and I was born in 2003. He's 15 going on 16 and I am 14 going on 15 so that's perfect. I'm hoping we will get along well.

'But what if he doesn't like me?' I thought. Again I was underestimating myself like I had done for the auditions. But I got the part. So I'm gonna be fine, right? I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

So I settled in my house and I had three days to unpack a bit and then I would be off to the hotel where the cast members and I will stay during the shooting. I can't wait to meet them.

My phone rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was my best friend Lily calling.

"Hello?!" I said

"Hey gurl!! How is LA" Lily said. Lily lives in France too but her dad is french and her mom is English. Both her parents are English teachers. She speaks English all the time in her house and we only speak in English together.

"It's great and my house is amazing. It's pretty big and great plus there's a pool in the giant garden in the back. I'm gonna have so much fun!!!"

"Sure but you know, even though it sounds interesting I'd rather know when you and Levi are gonna meet?" From the way she sounded when she talked, I knew she was smirking even though she wasn't here. Lily was the only one who knew about my gigantic crush on Levi so I knew perfectly why that question was asked.

"Haha real funny Lils but you know what? I don't really know. I expect to meet him with the rest of the cast at the hotel in three days. "

"That's great! Do you plan to tell him you've had a crush on him since forever??" She asked, obviously still smirking on the other end of the phone.

"What?! No!!!" I yelled. "No way he's gonna think I'm a freak!"

"But you are."

"Sooo funny Lily. No but really, where does your humor come from? A garbage can?" I smirked.

"And I'm the one that finds her jokes in a garbage can then..."

I laughed. Lily and I always had this thing where we would do the best we could to show how much we hated each other, even though in fact we loved each other and couldn't do anything without one another. Well, except for this...

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