Day 5- Dream

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Okay so yah I told you I'd go out of order!!!  Anyway I was watching videos on youtube of these people who took their Rollercoaster Tycoon(Really fun game) and edited them in photoshop or something and it looked like they were actually riding them.  So, this relates to my dream because they made this one roller coaster that does a loop and part of the loop is missing but the ride still goes around like if the peice was there.  So, if you are not familiar with Kingda Ka GTFO ------------>

anyway I went on Kingda Ka (and if you aren't familiar with it then you wont know this) and you know how sometimes it breaks down or something and you wind up going down the way you came backwards?(If not now you do) well I had a dream that they took the top part of Kingda Ka off and it still worked like how this rollercoaster that these guys made did and all my friends were like "come on" "it's so fun" and falling into peer pressure I went on with them and once have of the carts went over the top part of the track the rollercoaster broke down and whatnot and we went backwards; however, since the front was already over the giant, gaping hole at the top it fell through going back and all the carts wound up falling through the hole and since the top is like 1567861254845648651020854561320184132 feet in the air(not really but it looks that way in real life) we all died.  I still would like to go on this ride.  The end :)

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