Diagon Alley

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There was an awkward silence after Jade spoke.

Hagrid cleared his throat breaking it.

" Well now 'at we gots 'ames out of the way.", Hagrid said eyeing the children spuriously," We best be off."

" Where are we going?",Jade asked trying her very best to face him.

" Diagon Alley o' course", Hagrid said happily. Jade couldn't see him, but she could hear the smile in his voice.

" Oh, Harry", Hagrid said turning to him, " you might 'ant to explain 'll the magic stuff to 'er on the bike 'ide there. " Jade heard a slight ruffle of fabric. Probably the sound of a neck rubbing against a shirt.

Harry most likely shook his head, Jade thought. Wait hold up, did he say bike ride.

" Um, when you say bike ride, do you mean a motorcycle?", she asked in a quiet and frightened voice.

"O' 'on't be scared", Hagrid said putting a surpirsingly gentle hand on Jade's shoulder," You'll be 'ine as 'ong as your 'ot 'fraid of flying." Jade made a squeling sort of sound which Hagrid took as a good sign.

It obviously wasn't to Jade.


Harry was serioulsy thinking that his ribcage was going to explode.

After saying a quick goodbye to Dumbledore they left the orphanage and Harry made on conclusion.

Jade is extremely afriad of heights.

She had been seated behind him on the motorcylcle and was holding on to Harry like he was her life line.

Which in this case it probably was. Harry had a hard time telling her about magic when he could barely talk.

"How much longer?", Jade breathed over the wind, barely audible.

"We here!", Hagrid yelled back.


" Hagrid, I might be blind, but this is a wall."

Once they had gotten off the motorcycle, much to Jades relief, Hagrid led them here.

" 'O 'old on now", he said before stepping in front of Jade. Jade had heard a 'tap tap' and the sound of bricks moving. She swung her cane where the wall was and was only a little surprised to find there was nothing there.

" Let me guess, Jade started with a goofy smile on her face, " the wall opened up."

" Yup", she heard Harry say.

" I'm gonna pretend that's normal for the sake of sanity". She was still smiling while they walked in.

Diagon alley had to be the most loudest place Jade Has ever been. She could hear people yelling about sales to mothers yelling at there children. It was crowded too. Jade had to loop her arm around Harry's to keep from bumping into everything.

"Where are we going first Hagrid?", Harry asked excitingly. Jade didn't blame him, this place even sounded amazing.

" To get your books ", he said cheekingly.

The shopping went fast. Hagrid had gotten the owner of the book store to reinterpret a transfiguring spell to change the words to brill so Jade could read hers. All that was left was wands and robes.


Harry was getting his robes fitted.

Jade had already gotten hers fitted and was chasing after the black cat she had gotten named, Hugo. She had chosen that name specify because it meant mind, heart, and spirit in German. Jade told Harry she had a nick for remembering the meaning of names and she'd tell him his later.

" Ow", Harry said when the fitter poked him with a needle.

" Oh, I'm sorry dearie", she replied not looking up.

" Are you going to Hogwarts?", the boy next to him asked. Harry shook his head, yes.

" Which house do you want to be in?" he asked. House?, Harry thought. The boy ether didn't notice or didn't care about Harry's confusion because he kept on talking.

" I just don't want to be Hufflepuff I mean look at the hindering fool", he said gesturing to Hagrid through the store window, " It's ridiculous."

Harry narrowed his eyes slightly.

" I happen to like him."
The pale blond raised his almost invisible eyebrows.

" You with him?" Harry nodded his at this.

"Well I feel bad for you then.", the boy said as if he was exhausted. Then got a questionable look on his face.

" What's your sure name anyway?", he asked. Harry opened his mouth to answer but the words never came out because Jade interrupted.

" Hagrid said its time to go Harry."

With Hugo curled around her shoulders and cane, Jade looked like 11 year old grandma. Harry shook his head and thanked the lady for the robes and left.

Jade had looped her arm around his. Harry was still getting used to her doing that. Harry rarely even talked to a girl let alone had one touch his arm.

" Oi there you 'wo are.", Hagrid said with a smile, " I 'ot something for you, Harry."

Hagrid revealed a Snow White owl in a cage. It whotted when it saw Harry.

"Happy Late Birthday Harry", He said grinning like a mad man.

"Thank you, Hagrid", Harry thanked.

" My birthday was a couple days ago too.", Jade said with a puzzled far away look. Then she chuckled.

" Now I really wish I wasn't blind so I could see you, we could be twins."

Harry knew she was joking but could she?





IM SO SORRY I HAVNT UPDATED IN FOREVER! But give me a break I'm only 12.


Yes Harry she is your twin but your not gonna find out that quick ;p.

Love you guys

~ Luna

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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