Chapter 3

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Chanwoo didn't come over that night. He did text Hyeonji, though, and from what she could recollect, the conversation went something like this:

From Chanwoo: Ok. wtf is going on

To Chanwoo: me and kwangmin are dating now. i always kinda liked him and it just happened

From Chanwoo: you’re joking right??

To Chanwoo: nope

From Chanwoo: im having a talk with you in the morning missy

To Chanwoo: okay okay

From Chanwoo: tennis lessons now, see you tomorrow. be prepared for an interrogation

To Chanwoo: sure thing. bye bye channie~

She’s fairly certain that this plan just might work.


Hyeonji arrives at school early the next day, and before she can even start looking for her new ‘boyfriend’, Chanwoo is standing next to her.

“Breakfast?” He asks her, and she simply nods, following him towards the cafeteria.

             As they’re picking out which fruit they want on the side, Hyeonji spots Kwangmin walking in. She doesn't know why, but remembering their deal, she feels too embarrassed to call him over. Hyeonji turns back and grabs an orange, pretending not to have noticed him.

The two of them settle down at a table near a window, Hyeonji immediately digging into her breakfast hungrily.

“So you’re really dating that kid?” Chanwoo asks.

Hyeonji wonders how many times she will have to tell him yes, she is, before he accepts it. Wait, don’t I want him to be angry about it? This is a good thing.

“I don’t get why you’re so mad about it. He’s nice.” Hyeonji argues between bites of her oatmeal.

It isn't a lie. Kwangmin has never been mean to her. He’d pointed out her bag, gotten a boy to stop freaking out over nothing, and even helped her not to embarrass herself in front of Chanwoo. She’d only ever heard stories about him being mean, but as far as Hyeonji can tell, he's harmless.


"He is! He's never done anything that made me feel like he was a bad person. You're just basing it off of the rumors." Hyeonji argues back, glaring towards the boy.

"Fine, but I'm telling you he's no good from the start. Rumors like that don't just pop up for no-" Chanwoo shuts his mouth suddenly, looking embarrassed.

"Ah, you were here," Hyeonji recognizes it as Kwangmin, and she looks up to see him taking a seat next her. Hyeonji realizes that Chanwoo had just been caught talking bad about him, and she smiles slightly.

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