3. Interrogation by the Wild Russia

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Russia padded up to what I assumed to be his front door, still smiling, still holding us above the ground in his two large hands. He stomped the slight remnants of snow and dirt and whatever else off of his boots, then opened the door and peeked in.

"I'm home!" he called cheerfully.

I could hear the quick pattering of footsteps rushing to greet us. Who could that be...? I vaguely remembered Arielle telling me that Russia had some other countries as servants, but I couldn't remember who.

Russia turned back to the door and nudged it shut with his foot. He put me on his shoulder, causing me to make a small "eep!" of surprise. Then he used the hand he'd been carrying me with to lock the door behind us.

"W-welcome back, Mr. Russia," three nervous voices chorused.

With difficulty, I looked up, taking my blue eyes off of my captor's back. I managed to catch a glimpse of three terrified teenage boys before Russia turned, leaving me facing (and nearly faceplanting into) the door.

I squirmed a bit, reaching for the lock and struggling to unlock it without Russia noticing. If I could just unlock it and find a distraction, we could run and be free....

"Oh," I heard Russia say in that childlike voice. He gently patted my behind. I bit back a squeak. He may not know that could be considered harassment, but still!

"I found these two in my sunflower field," Russia continued. "I was thinking that maybe you three would like some company."

"U-uh, it w-was not necessary, s-sir," a young-sounding voice squeaked. I'd bet a third of the swear jar that the one talking was the shortest and youngest-looking of the three I'd seen.

I managed to unlock the door just then.

Unfortunately, the lock made an audible click as the cogs and gears inside shifted.

Russia turned to look at the door. "Huh. The door unlocked itself." He tugged gently at my short black hair and then, judging from Arielle's small yelp, did the same to her. "Which one of you did it?" Arielle yelped again; Russia was probably looking at her. "Was it you?" he cooed to her.

I wiggled violently, trying to get down, and somehow, though it was probably because Russia let me, I succeeded.

"Leave her alone, you bully!" I glared into his wide-eyed violet eyes. "I did it. So what? Don't—" I stuttered. Damn! "Don't touch my best friend!"

Russia's eyes trailed down to my hands. The surprised look he had turned back into that smile of his as he saw that they were trembling. He turned and handed Arielle to the tallest boy—the one with the long(ish) brown hair.

"Take her to a spare room, da?" His eyes closed as he smiled down at me. "I am going to ask this one some questions."

. . .

"I still don't understand why or how you got into my sunflower field," Russia stated plainly. He was still smiling that closed-eye smile, though it almost looked a little forced now.

"That's because I haven't told you yet," I stammered, smirking, or at least trying to. I clutched the sleeves of my sweatshirt tightly, trying to hide the fact that I was terrified and that my hands were trembling. Still.

Thirty minutes.

It had to have been at least thirty minutes, and I still hadn't cracked. I still hadn't told the man—country?—in front of me anything.

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