thirty: 구해줘

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laughing at some absurd joke his boyfriend had made, the pink haired male with the eyes that turned to crescents when he laughed strolled down the street, his boyfriend glued to his side.

"yoongi, what are you doing?" jimin asked, giggling when he felt yoongi's bony fingers dance over his clothed skin. a smirk spread over the older's face, he continued to tickle the younger, loving how it brought them closer.

"y-yoongi s-stop oh m-my god-d!" jimin choked out between gaps of air & laughter, finally being able to push away yoongi's hands. he gave him a glare, but it only made yoongi kiss him as he said it was because 'he looked so god damn cute'.

jimin rolled his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing when he realised his front door was already unlocked.

i swear i locked it when i left.

jimin shrugged the thought of someone robbing him off his shoulders, assuming he had just forgotten. both men strolled into the house, slipping off their shoes as their feet ached from walking around too much. it was a lovely day, but too much walking.

jimin's eyebrows furrowed again when he spotted a crumbled note on the living room coffee table. cautiously walking towards it, he picked it up, & his jaw immediately dropped.

hi, it's jungkook.

"YOONGI! Y-YOONGI GET IN HERE!" he shouted, tears falling from his green eyes as he dropped he note on the ground, allowing his boyfriend to hug him tightly after he ran into the living room.

"hey, hey baby what's wrong?" yoongi asked, stroking jimin's pink fluff of hair before he followed jimin's extended arm to where he was pointing to a note on the floor.

yoongi picked it up, scanning over it quickly. he dropped the note, & his jaw clenched as tears threatened to spill out of his eyes. from the first & final line, he knew exactly what that note was.

jungkook's suicide note.

i apologise for the short chapter,, but i love torturing my readers, so ya gonna have to wait until the next chapter to see what happens my dudes ;)

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