Chapter 1

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Casper huffed, staring at the wall silently, just as daddy dearest had told him to. He didn't know why his dad always made a huge fuss out of small things, it wasn't like daddy's bum wouldn't heal itself from the tiny burn that he got from the baby phoenix hidden in his chair, a phoenix Casper may or may not have placed there. It was a jolly good prank, his daddy ought to be proud instead of punishing him!

He wouldn't punish Karma if she did the same shit' Casper thought, all sullen. He huffed extra loud, just to make sure he disturbed his father. This was seventh huff, and he would keep huffing till he was let off, he was amazing that way. Anything to irk daddy dearest was something Casper would strive to excel at. Casper was pretty sure he'd bag gold at the huffolympics. He was also extremely good at making a mess, but that was something he saved for special days.

Casper huffed again when Karma made herself known in daddy's room. It was the forty eighth huff of the day and so far, daddy dearest was doing a splendid job at ignoring him, sadly enough. Of all his siblings Karma was the busiest, since she's pretty much appointed herself as the one that avenges those wronged. Sure, she usually took things too far and she certainly was a bitch, a bitch Casper was extremely jealous of. Out of all his siblings, she was the one allowed to meddle with mortals the most. She looked cool too, all dark skinned and chiseled like a magnificent horse while Casper looked like a skinny albino twig when he tried hard and looked like a translucent boy made of water when he didn't. He didn't exactly win the gene lottery, that one's for sure.

Daddy and Karma were going at it for a while, discussing some mortal affairs that were probably as morbid as they were boring. He didn't pay any heed to it since he knew it wouldn't matter, given that he was twenty to the thousands of years they've lived, he wasn't expected to pay attention to all things adult. He still wasn't allowed to look away from the wall so he decided to spend his time on more productive things, like huffing or counting those little dots that glistened like stars on daddy's black walls.

Little did Casper know that his life was about to to take a huge turn, for better or worse.

Hi there!
Thankyou for giving this book a chance 🦊
I know Casper isn't Hades son and neither is Karma, but hey! No harm done 🦑
Stay tuned

Hi there!Thankyou for giving this book a chance 🦊I know Casper isn't Hades son and neither is Karma, but hey! No harm done 🦑Stay tuned

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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