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"WHAT?!" Brian yelled standing up. Craig shuffled back in his seat and Tyler, well, Tyler just looked like he was going murder some one right in this very moment.

I stood up quickly going to stand in front of Craig. "Brian, calm down! He didn't know! Plus, maybe everything will be okay?! Maybe they want to see each other again?"

At this point Tyler has stormed up stairs to his room, probably to plan a murder, and Craig has completely hidden himself behind me.

Brian laughed. "You think Evan wants to see him? Jonathan fucking scarred him for life! Jon knew what Evan went through before and how sensitive he was, but he didn't fucking care! He changed Evan. He changed Evan for the worse and we can't get the old Evan back. So, Brock, if you think that it's okay, go ahead. Fucking let them see each other. Might as well kill some one else when your at it." He said, his face red from anger and his knuckles whit from balling his fist up.

He stomped up stairs and I heard our bedroom door slam shut.

I sighed turning around to look at Craig.  He was slightly shaking and muttering to himself something.

"It's okay, Craig. It might not turn out that bad." I said to him.  He nodded before looking at me straight in the eye.

"Brock, what was Evan like before Jon hurt him?" He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

He's not shaking anymore, and he is not in a ball. He is sitting up straight next to me, and leaning back.

I chuckled before saying, "He... He was amazing. He was always happy, positive, loved and trusted everyone, he always saw the good in people. But he... he was depressed and he had a eating disorder. He saw the good in every one except him self and when Jonathan said those things to him it broke him, Jon created the Evan you know today."

Craig slowly nodded, it seemed his brain was processing what I had told him.

"So... So he was almost the exact opposite as he is now?" He asked.

I nodded tears in my eyes. "Yeah... the opposite. I'm going to bed, Craig. You should to. We have a big day tomorrow." I said walking upstairs. Him following suit.

Tomorrow is gonna be absolutely amazing.


Jon's POV:

Today is the day that I'm going to see all my friends! I am so excited I haven't seen them in the longest of time!

8 years to be exact. I wonder how much they have changed, I mean yea, I see them on Facebook and Instagram but otherwise I really dont talk to most of them.

Right now Luke and I were on our way to Brock's house, and to be honest we don't live that far away, but it still seems like we're taking forever to get there.

"Are we There yet?"


"Are we There yet?"


"Are we There yet?"


"Are we There yet?"


"WHAT! Really?"


I groaned, looking back out the window grumbling to my self.

Soon we make it to a nice neighborhood, it looked pretty rich but not by much.

We made it to a nice house that looked about three stories, it had a pathway of rocks to the front door.

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