True Sky (Birthday Special)

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The abyss of darkness was all that welcomed me and my sight. Light was nowhere present and all I can see is myself in this abundance of darkness. Though it was sight for provoking fear, I am not afraid and it made me wonder why?

As if on cue, around me, from the ground, or what I perceived to be the ground, large petal-flowers emitted multi-color lights without any warning. It was as if there were lights contained inside the closed petals.

I was in awe when the big flowers bloomed and released tiny balls of light that float everywhere. A smile came plastering in my face. I can’t help but turn around and marvel in the dazzling light show amidst this endless darkness.

With another turn, something caught my attention. Twelve large white petals floated from the ground and formed steps of a stair. It led to an enclose white flower with a stem higher that the others below the ground.

Curiosity is something you couldn’t control and it enticed me to know what was inside that very huge flower. I walked without any worry that I might fall in this pitch black ground, though the flowers were seemingly floating in a lake and I can feel no water. It might look nonsense but everything for me is beautiful

I took the twelve petal steps and one of the petals of the huge flower bended and let me in.

Inside was like a bedroom. Yes. Who would’ve thought that a bedroom would fit inside a flower? And it was almost impossible to picture a bedroom existing inside a beautiful plant. The petal bended back and now I was enclosed in this bedroom-like place. There was still light unlike the pitch black darkness outside.

The floor was ivory brown. There is a study table beside the bed. The only bed was attached to the wall which I perceived to be the petal of this flower. It was very peculiar how a yellowish light was ernormously glowing by the bed. The bed that is made of glass and inside were the tiny balls of colorful light I found outside floating freely in the air. It gave a techni-color effect to the bed and that made me smile wider.

Seeing the set up made me yawn and feel drowsy. So I thought, why not?? I may be here for a reason and maybe that reason is to sleep. This whole room might be prepared for me as far as I understand.

Without any hesitation, I lay my body on the glass bed carefully, afraid that it might break with my weight. Luckily, it didn’t.

It might looked uncomfortable because it’s glass, but in reality, it was very much comforting. The colorful lights that the tiny balls emit from inside the glass bed gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that it calm me and made me drift into a deep sleep.


A guy with a messy greyish hair walked to the 12-petal steps in his dashing tuxedo. With his mysterious eyes, he stared at the huge white flower carefully, thinking if his reason to go here is inside. He entered inside the flower and saw his very own sleeping beauty. With his full and sexy lips, he smiled knowing that his journey here was worth it. His bronze skin  reflected on the dim light of the room as he approached the girl now soundly sleeping in the glass bed. He stood beside the bed and stared at her lovingly.

True Sky (Birthday Special)Where stories live. Discover now