Fresh Start..♥..~

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Jas'Nique Pov:

So I was hanging out with my boyfriend Jinsu.We where at his house and we invited friends.Then some friends and these girls came.1 was name Ash Jones and the 2 one name Camille Brooks, which her and Jinsu were flirting.I got mad so I think he just needed someone else.

Me:Jins I need your help?

Jinsu:Ok bae 1 minute.

Camille:So can I get your #?

Jinsu:Sure baby!

I watched as he gave her his number.I was so pissed at that point.

Me:Why Jinsu?

Jinsu:WTF up with you?

Me:Me you gave Camille your # and im your girlfriend!

Jinsu:Leave it TF alone Jass!

Me:F*ck you Messiah!*flicked him off and walked out*

Sha'Nique:Whats going on?

Jinsu:None of your damn business Shay!

Sha'Nique:DONT talk to me like that NIGGA!

Jinsu:Whatever!*walks out*

I then started talking to Ash.

Ash:Hey Jass!

Me:Hey Ash!*sad voice*

Ash:Whats wrong?

Me:I think I should break up with Jinsu!

Ash:No, just wait til you find him cheating!

Me:Ok, thanks Ash!*hugs her*

Ash:Your my buddy so!*hugs me back*

How Could I Love You..♥..(Mindless Behavior Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now