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       "So what brings you here?" Niall asked, sitting down next to the curly haired fellow.

Harry sighed, sliding the ice pack off of his head. "You'll just judge me."

Niall chuckled, scooting closer to Harry. "If you got to know me you would soon learn that I am the last person to judge somebody."

This didn't phase Harry, but he decided to trust the boy. There was something about Niall that felt so... homey. He felt so at peace just sitting next to him. "I was at a bar and this guy was hitting on me and my friend. It was really annoying because he was obviously drunk and h*rny and I just wasn't in the mood. When he found out he had been flirting with a boy he flipped and took it out on me. He had a group of friends and they all came at me at once. It was one of the scariest things I've ever gone through." Harry started softly crying. Niall wiped away some of the tears and grabbed the boy's hand to comfort him. Harry continued. "Luckily it didn't last long as someone had called an ambulence for me. The police came and I think the people were arrested, I don't know. I didn't stay long enough to see. It just... it really hurt. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. It's hard to believe that someone could hate me so much just because I wear dresses and like makeup."

Niall looked up at Harry squeezing his hand. "I'm sorry about those people. Some people just don't understand that we're in the twenty first century. I mean, really, we live in a time where you can dress however you want and no one would care. Don't let them get to you, they're just a bunch of nobody's who won't go anywhere in life."

Harry sniffled. "Thanks Niall, it means a lot."

There was silence as Harry then realized that Niall was holding his hand. Harry looked down and smiled. He liked Niall holding his hand, it just felt right

"So what are you doing here anyways? You never did say."

Niall sighed. "Well it's a long story..."

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