T h i r t y - t w o

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Lance worked around the room as Lotor slept quietly, it worried him more as its been more than five hours without Lotor waking up. He placed his hand on his forehead before but and had a small temperature but more like a fever.

He sighed and set a cup of water next to the prince who looked uncomfortable in his sleep. Lance walked to the bathroom to clean the floors with his bucket and rag awaited him but jumped at the sound of a rash coughing that sounded painful.

Lance ran out the door and saw Lotor sitting on the edge of his bed covering his mouth as he coughed harshly into his hands. His hair fell around his shoulders and in his face as he didn't look like the strong prince he was a day ago. Hours ago.

"You okay?" Lance asked and Lotor nodded standing up drinking water.

"Sir your looking worst, go rest more, you haven't had a solid sleep in a long time," Lance pushed him back slightly but it was enough for Lotor to wobble.

"I'm just pulling my hair back," Lotor looked at him tiredly.

"Go back to the bed, I'll help you," Lance sighed gently and Lotor nodded as he walked back over and let out a deep breath into coughs once again.

"Do you know what you have? Is it contagious?" Lance helped him sit on the bed. He got on as well and stood behind Lotor gently combing his hair back.

"No, trust me you won't get it," Lotor rasped looking down.

"When will it pass by?" Lance asked as he combed his fingers through Lotors long hair.

"Never..." Lotor closed his eyes. He wasn't going to get better, there was no cure but lances affection, he's accepted it though, of death crawling to him, he will give up his life to this dreadful disease, but it was coming at him faster than expected.

"What do you mean?" He began braiding his hair, Lotor felt at ease at the kind touch of his hands. A kind touch at all was rare.

"I'm dying,"

Lance stopped as his eyes widen dropping the three pieces of hair as they fell back to Lotors shoulders.

"W-what?" Lance looked at him. Lotor was strong, intimidating, he'd never expect someone like him to die... At all.

"With what?" Lance closed his eyes.

"It's...." Lotor didn't know what to say. "It's called hananki disease... Just something that I picked up from the planet," he lied.

"What is it?" Lance didn't touch his hair again as they both looked down.

"A... Flower... It's growing inside of me, it's a slow killing disease until it spreads through my body, pushing my insides out of place and such, pushing against my lungs and it'll stop my heart... I just cough up petals for now," he would not tell Lance the truth. Of the disease, not that he's the one killing him.

"I can try to help as much as I can,"  Lance sat with him.

"It's better if we don't make a friendship, it'll be easier for you," Lotor whispered.

"Your not dying alone," Lance looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not alone blue, I have my family... But I need to lead my people as much as I can," Lotor coughed lightly and Lance saw a petal escape, a blue petal. He looked up as he saw Lotor glaring at it as if it was hell itself.

Lance held his hands in his lap as he processed the news. What was going to happen to him? Will he back as a prisoner? Stay a slave?.. Worst..?

"What could we do about it?" He asked.

"There is a surgery, it could kill me as well but if we have the right equipment of it and the best doctors, they could remove it," Lotor looked at him.

"But I'm not,"

"Lotor! Why?!" Lance cried out confused.

"My heritage, I'm not just galra," Lotor narrowed his eyes. "My other half of my genetics aren't publicly known, I recently told my generals, if they knew of my hybrid half that's not galra I could be exiled again,"

"If I even lived," he spat not looking at Lance anymore.

"Bucket list?"

Lotor looked at Lance confused with a glance.

"A what?" He asked.

"A bucket list, things you want to do before you die," Lance smiled.

"I'm sending someone to end my father," Lotor smirked.

"No, not like that, things that have to be done for you, you want to do," Lance explained.

"With zarkon gone-" "forget about zarkon, focus on you," Lance touched his shoulder gently.

"I want to send you away..." Lotor gulped. He never really thought of it, it just came out and happened... Send Lance and Chloe away to freedom.

"Hey now you don't have to be rude-" "I want to send you away to somewhere I know you'll be free," Lotor stopped him and lances eyes widen.

"That's... Really?" Lance breathed in shock.

"Anywhere you want, I will send you and your sister a safe passage to a planet, your welcome to return to my refuge," Lotor nodded.

He grunted as arms where thrown around him and Lotor looked to see Lance hugging him tightly mumbling 'thank you' over and over again.

"It's the least I could do for you," Lotor hugged him back.

Lance parted blushing softly and stood from the bed as Lotor laid back down but his breath hitched in pain.

"Need anything?" He asked gently.

"No I'm fine, thank you," Lotor let out a breath and laid on his back. Lance nodded and slowly made his way to the door, he still couldn't believe it... Lotor was dying... He couldn't help him in any way shape or form except get comfortable while his death is near.

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