Matt Imagine

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This imagine is dedicated to @augustusprior bc she is my hoe😂😏💁 ily Ali☺️💖


It was a sunny April day in Los Angeles.

You were cuddling with Matt, watching movies. You fell asleep and Matt pulled out his phone. He took a selfie of you two together. He posted it on Twitter.

"Babe fell asleep, she's gonna kill me when she wakes up and finds out I posted this. She looks adorable af though😍 @tfiali ☺️"

He puts his phone in his pocket and kisses your cheek. You wake up.


You grin.

"Hi. Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah. Want some lunch? I'll make us some food."

You nodded and kissed Matt softly on the lips. He laughed and got up. You pulled out your phone. You frowned.

"Matt, when the hell did you take this picture!"

"Oh, that? When you were taking a nap."

"What the fuck, Matt. I look weird. My lip is curled up and I look like I'm about to sneeze. I'm gonna get you for this."

You get up and run toward the kitchen. Matt turns around and yells. He runs out to the front yard and goes toward the garage.

You sneak up on him and jump on his back.

"Ha! I gotcha!"

Matt groans.

"Okay, okay. You still want me to delete it?"

"Lemme see your phone."

He pulls out his phone and gives it to you. You look at the picture one more time.

"Eh, it's not ugly."

Matt scoffs.

"It's never ugly."

You look up and grin. He pulls you in for a hug and kisses your lips. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries back you inside, without breaking the kiss.

You spend the rest of the day with food, movies, and cuddling.



Matt ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now