Babysitter? part 1

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As I walked upstairs to my room I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was ending. I have to go to a new school and try - out for an entirely different team. Might I add an undefeated team for 4 years.

I had just moved with my dad to Orlando from Georgia. I mean I wasn't mad that I had to live with a man I only saw 2  times a year. It wasn't his fault my mom had to go to rehab. I blame her ex Carl who got her hooked in the first place. If I ever see him again I will not hesitate to connect my fist with his face.

I just wish I could've done more. Everyone says I'm too young to understand. How is that? If I witnessed my mother doing cocaine in front of me on Christmas morning. I knew what she was doing to herself, to her body. I was blinded by the money and cars that Carl had. Everytime they were going to do 'it' he would give me cash to go to the mall, believe me it was fun driving his cars and blowing his money on nonsense. The sad thing about it is I had to witness my mother have an overdose, I begged God to spare her life for 3 long days. It shouldn't have taken an overdose for me to see she needed help. I sho-

"How do you like it? It's nothing like your old room, it should do for now until I find a bigger apartment." My dad said breaking me from my train of thoughts.

"Yes, it's fine thanks." I replyed.

"Well, if you need anything I'm right down the hall." He said as I nodded and started scanning over my schedule.

I have Geometry as my first class. That's good because it's my best and favorite subject. I walked over to my new small closet and went through the boxes to find a good outfit.

I pulled out a white-hooded shirt with black letters spelling out 'Fresh'. I was searching for some all black pants to match but I found a picture of my mom and I when I was 3 at a park.

A knock was at my room door so I screamed out "come in" it was my dad. Not knowing tears was building up in my eyes because of the picture.

"Are you okay?" He sincerely asked with concern. I nodded and placed the picture on my night stand. "I was just finding an outfit to wear, I'm alright."

He nodded and said "Well, I hope you don't mind but I'm going out tonight with a few of my co-workers. One of my co-workers daughter is coming over here to keep you company."

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. "You got a babysitter to watch over me?" I said in a hardened tone.

"No, no, no just to chill with you." He said in a serious tone. I started laughing, like is he serious I'm 16. I mean if he is worried about my safety.... I mean Im shy but I still can hold my own.

"Ok,ok that's fine with me as long as she is cute." He chuckled and walked out. I was serious about that. I mean I haven't did the 'nasty' in a long time. I cut on my t.v and started watching Walking Dead my new obsession.


Hours pass and I am currently in the living room eating a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch cereal. I had gotten hungry and came in the living room to eat and watch The Walking Dead on a bigger screen. Now that I think about it, it's a Saturday night and this is what I'm doing.

I was going to the kitchen to place my bowl in the dish washer. When a knock was at the door, "I got it" I screamed to my dad. I hurriedly walked over to the door and saw a tall beautiful woman in my eyesight.

"Are you my babysitter?" I said with a smirk as I leaned on the door frame. She chuckled and looked at the equally beautiful girl by her side.

"This is my daughter Ashley she will be accompanying you tonight." She stated looking over me to my father who was walking towards the door. I looked over to the girl who was very beautiful and sexy just like her mother. My father let them in and I walked over and sat on the couch and gestured for Ashley to sit down.

"Alright, girls no parties,no illegal things no b-" my dad was saying before I had cut him off
mimicking his voice in a low tone "no being teenagers,no having fun, damn" He and his colleague was heading out the door to meet with the rest of his co-workers. He seemed unphased with my language so I waved them good-bye as he closed the door.

As soon as the door shut I jumped up and re-opened it and told him I needed 40 dollars for pizza. I ran down and grabbed the 40 and went back upstairs and called Pizza Hut.

             *phone convo.*
Pizza Hut: "Hello, What will you like today."

Aaliyah: "ummm..... can I get 1 pepperoni pizza with cinnamon crust and-"

Pizza Hut: "Is that all mam?"

Aaliyah: "No it isnt, I also would like barbecue wings with a chocolate chip cookie pie and.... ummm some bread sticks."

Pizza Hut: "That will be $38.26 are you paying with cash or card"

Aaliyah: "Cash"

Pizza Hut: "Delivery or Pick-up"

Aaliyah: "Delivery"

Pizza Hut: "Address"

Aaliyah: "2232 Strictin dr."

Pizza hut: "Your order will be there in 30 min."

Aaliyah: "ok"

      *end of phone convo.*

I scanned through the t.v channels every now and then glancing at Ashley who was scrolling through something on her phone. She was lightskin with brown plaits in her hair she had light brown eyes. She was wearing a gold and black crop top showing her belly button piercing, black tight fitted jeans hugging her thighs in the right spots, gold hoop earrings, gold necklace saying 'Queen', and black and gold Jordans. I guess she caught me staring and spoke up.

"Stare much?" She said with a sarcastic tone. I smirked and replied by saying "Yes, I do"

She looked taken a back but I'm really honest I do stare alot. Sometimes at random things like rabbits or apples.

"What school you go too?" I asked

"Milton high school" she responded with an attitude. Oh she goes to my new school.

"Do want to go in the room and get yo know each other better." I said smirking and cutting off the t.v.

"I don't know you and why would I don't that" I laughed  "Well you can get to know me and I'm very good in bed" I said in a very seductive tone.

She was about to speak but a knock was at the door and I jumped up and got it knowing it was the pizza man. I opened the door gave him the money and told him to keep the change and brought my food inside and placed it on the the coffee table and began to eat.

"Are you hungry?" I asked as she was eye raping my pizza and chocolate chip cookie pie.

"Yes,wear are yall plates" I pointed to the kitchen and while stuffing my face.

"Bwiiing me sumthen to dwink pweaase" I said trying to swallow my food.

"Okk" She laughed showing her pearly whites and walking to the kitchen.

I didn't know how me almost choking was funny. I mean Im not fat I'm really fit. I play basketball which is my life so I have to but I love junk food. I will always choose junk food over a real dinner any day even if it meant I had to work even harder at practice or in this case try-outs.

She brought me my water and I drunk most of it in 3 gulps and I handed it back to her so she can refill it. She looked at me in disbelief and sat down next to me placing some food on her plate.

"Go re-fill this please." I told her. She shook her head no and took the remote from me.

This is going to be a long night....

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