Chapter 24

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Felicity's eyes snapped open at her father's sudden outburst. He's here! He just pulled onto the road! She flung herself out of the bed, rushing over to the window. She could see the faint glow of the truck's lights. Her heart raced as she quickly slipped her shoes on and grabbed her phone before running out the bedroom door. They all met in the kitchen, Liberty's face looking as pale as a ghost. "Please tell me you have a way to get out of here!" Felicity exclaimed. Her mother nodded. "There is an open field on the other side of the creek. If KITT can meet us over there, we might have a chance." she said tiredly. "But won't they see us leaving?" Ponch questioned. It wasn't exactly the escape plan he had in mind. "That's exactly what we want. But when I say run, you guys run, alright?" she asked rhetorically. Ponch and Felicity nodded. She led them to a small closet door that took them to the cellar. Just she had told KITT her plan, the kitchen door swung open. Liberty ushered her family down the stairs as she quickly and quietly closed the door. Her heart sank as the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the house. It was only when the footsteps stopped a few feet from the door, Liberty gave the signal to run. Liberty ran out first, Felicity second, and Ponch was the last to leave. KITT sped out of the driveway and raced to the field. "Let's go, you simpletons!" Garthe growled as he ran back to his truck, followed by the two other men. The truck's engine screamed as it chased after the small trans am. "Everyone get in!" Liberty shouted as the quickly got into the driver's seat. Felicity rushed into the backseat and Ponch threw himself into the passenger seat, closing the door behind him. Liberty slammed her foot onto the gas and drove down the road, Goliath hot on their trail. "I'm scared..." Felicity admitted quietly. Ponch looked back at her and held her hand gently. "It's gonna be okay, sweetheart. You're mom and I are going to protect you, okay?" he told his daughter, reassuring her to the best of his ability. "Maybe we should call Michael, Liberty." KITT stated. "No way! That's what Garthe wants me to do! He knows dad will come running if we're in trouble! All of this... It's just his way of hurting all of us!" she exclaimed as she made a sharp turn around a corner. Ponch looked over at her. "I hope you know what you're doing." he said softly.

Jon continued to study Mike's face closely. "Who do you work for..." he demanded plainly. Mike only glanced at Jon, then brought his eyes back to the road. "Knight Research." Mike said quietly. Jon looked at the blue orb on the dash then back to the window. "Well that makes sense." he muttered. The two were silent for a few minutes, until Mike cleared his throat. "So what about this other car." he said awkwardly, trying to break the silence. "What about it?" Jon asked. "What's it like? I mean I've heard about it, but not very much." the young man replied. Jon explained everything to him. What KITT was like, how he and the mustang were different; how they were similar, and the fact that both had the same dominant program. "Looks like you have a few things to learn yourself, partner." Mike remarked to the AI. "I can say the same for you, Michael." KITT responded mockingly. Jon snickered and turned to look back out the window. Mike just glared at the orb on the dash. "Someone's touchy today." he chuckled as he fixed his grip on the steering wheel. They had been driving for a couple of hours, and were a short twenty minutes from Liberty. What Jon didn't know; was that he was in over his head.

Liberty looked over at Ponch quickly, her hands tightly on the wheel. "I know him better than you do. Of course I know what I'm doing." she growled. Ponch threw his hands up. "Sorry!" he exclaimed. Felicity watched out the back window, her heart pounding in her chest. Why does this have to happen now?! Her fingers dug into the crevices of the seat when headlight beams pierced through the light fog. "He's right behind us, mom!" Felicity exclaimed. "I know that, Fel!" Liberty muttered under her breath. Ponch looked at her. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked as he gently touched the back of his hand to her forehead. Her skin seemed warm to the touch, but it was to be expected given the current situation. Just as they approached the bridge, cement barriers blocked their path. "Damn it!" she growled as she slammed on the brakes. The squealing tires echoed through the small town, catching the attention of the nearby people. "What are we gonna do?!" Felicity exclaimed quietly as the semi pulled to a stop behind them. Liberty grabbed her gun from under the seat and hid it in her waistband. "You two stay in the car. KITT, lock the doors." she stated sternly before steeping out, closing the door behind her. "Well, look what the cat dragged out." Garthe said with a grin as he approached her. Liberty stood her ground as he circled around her; dragging his fingers around the back of her neck. "Don't. Touch me." she growled lowly. Garthe smirked and pulled his hand away. "Someone sounds nippy today. What do you say we have a little fun with her, boys?" he sneered as the door on the truck opened, then slammed shut. She calmly looked over and seen Zachary and Durant walking over to her; their guns slightly visible through their jackets.

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