After School Talk - (February, 27th, 2018)

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Mayu: Hello fellow students. How are you this fine evening?

Feather: Not too bad, we studied for science

Raven: What about you guys?

Crow: I'm hungry

Kaname: Dude I like just ate

Naomi: Who has time for science? When you could be doing other things

Kaname:Like starinh at walls like Naomi da freak

"I feel like minato would've said that So why did I write kaname Dude you reply so fast"

Crow: Haha, lolz

Raven: Well we do have a quest on Friday

Feather: And a choir dress rehearsal on Thursday and that would be the day we were supposed to study in class but we're missing that sooooo

Mayu: You should study immediately after the dress rehearsal.

"Dude do you really? We have a concert choir rehearsal on Thursday tooo in the auditorium Lololol"

Kaname: Watch him rollin watch him go

Raven: Studying right after the dress rehearsal is just sooooo much work

Feather: We get home to do it

Naomi: Eww who is in chorus anymore nowadays

Crow: There is literally 100 people in choir

Kaname: Literally everyone except you?

Feather: And more people coming in next year


Raven: No we joined because we were "forced" to

Mayu: I too am in the choir "Naomi da freak"

Claw: In the end we liked it anyway. And we had nothing else to do so why not?

Kaname: wdym no ones forcing you da fuq go ahead and leave man

Kaname: They don't need nunn of yah when they have me

Kaname: I'm overlord

Claw: Well then okay

Mayu: Please dear classmates do not listen to the imbecile known as Kaname. I am obviously the true student council member. She has NOTHING on me.

Kaname:Watch him rollin shit waddup watch him rollin shit waddup

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