Chapter 4

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I woke up one morning, the harsh light of the sun momentarily blinding me. I squinted before reaching up and twisting my blinds shut to keep the light out. I slowly slipped out of my bed, stretching out my body then rubbing my eyes to help me see better. Something caught my eye, my phone lit up with a message telling me that today's the 24th of May.

For a moment I stood there wondering why it was alerting me of the date then it dawned on me. James arrives in Sydney today! My heart skipped a beat, in a couple of days I'm going to finally be meeting him. I felt somewhat more excited than I thought I should be but I just shrugged it off.

The second thing I realised is that my month long break from uni starts today as well! Wow, James couldn't have picked a better time to visit. I'm free! I chuckled softly to myself.

I practically skipped to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water to wake me up even more. Winter is really coming on, it's quite cold now, but me being Irish and all, the cold doesn't affect me too badly. I stood in front of the mirror as I scooped my long, medium brown hair up into a quick and messy bun. My brown eyes have erased its tired look and are now looking alert. I was wearing a very comfortable hoodie and track pants and that's how I'm determined to stay all day.

I got out of the bathroom and again skipped my way downstairs and plopped myself down on the kitchen counter.

"Someone looks cheerful," my mum greeted, flipping pancakes on the pan.

I laughed, "I'm on break from uni! How can I not be?"

"Is that so, dear?" my dad asked, raising an eyebrow as he sipped his coffee.

"It is, dad," I replied curtly, grinning widely.

He nodded then got up from the table. "Well, have a good day, honey. I'm off to work."

I rolled my eyes, "Will do, daddio."

He chuckled and pecked my mum's cheeks before heading out the door.

"Here," my mum pushed the pancakes towards me. "I've gotta get to work too."

She rushed upstairs, probably to brush her teeth. I grabbed a pancake and just chewed. What should I do today?

I thought about it for a moment before it got interrupted by my mum rushing downstairs again, grabbing her car keys and purse. "Bye honey. Have a good day!"

I pecked her cheeks and watched her drive away. I shut the door and grinned mischievously to myself. The whole house was mine for the next 10 or so hours, woohoo!

In less than five minutes, I had music blaring from our speakers and laptop on my lap, waiting anxiously for James to pop up on my screen. We're finally in the same time zone so I don't have to worry about him sleeping and what not.

A few more minutes and my laptop plays the familiar tri-tone signalling I have a message. As expected, it's James.

Irish93: Lizzy! I'm in Sydney!

Mase101: Woop! How was the flight?

Irish93: Boring, but it's ok they had lots of food and good movies.

I chuckled, that boy and his food.

Mase101: Of course, food is the only thing that can pacify you. I'm rolling my eyes at you, just so you know.

Irish93: :O i'm offended, Liz! Haha kiddin'! But really, I'm glad that's over. What's goin' on with you?

Mase101: Oh not much, just overly joyed because I'm on a month break from uni. :D

Irish93: Oh that's great! That means there won't be conflicts then.

Oh right, I'm supposed to be meeting him.

Mase101: Haha yea! So, ready to get down to details?

Irish93: Yea sure. One thing though, what kind of music do you listen to?

The question puzzled me.

Mase101: I don't see how this is relevant but I listen to a band called Parachute, Maroon 5 and bits and pieces of other things as well. Why?

Irish93: Nothing really, just curious. Anyway, here's the deal. Don't get creeped out ok? And don't ask how I know this, I'll explain when we meet.

I gulped, ready for this?

Mase101: Ok, hit me.

Irish93: Haha, alright. I'm assuming you know where QUT Gardens Point is?

Of course, I go to university there every day.

Mase101: Yea, I do.

Irish93: Great. Now there's a Botanical Garden there, am I right?

How the hell did he know that?

Mase101: Yep, that's right..

Irish93: Let's meet there. Botanical Garden, near the pond.

Mase101: Ok, when and what time?

Irish93: Well, believe it or not, I'll be landing in Brisbane on the 26th. Let's meet then, at 4. How's that?

Mase101: Sounds great! I'll see you then. How're you finding Sydney so far? What time did you land anyway?

Irish93: Haha, I can't wait to finally meet the famous Liz. :D And so far, I think it's great. I only got here a few hours ago.

Mase101: Famous? Haha, certainly not. And that's great. I'm guessing jetlag hasn't hit yet?

Irish93: Famous to me, Liz. Ugh! Don't remind me. Jetlag hits me bad.

Mase101: Charming, J. ;) Haha, well I'll let you explore Sydney, or sleep, whichever one. Then tell me what you think of it.

Irish93: ;) You know it. Hahah, alright. I think I'll go out with my friends first and see the sights.

Mase101: You have friends with you?

Irish93: Uh, yeah! I'll explain everything when we meet. Gotta run, I'll talk to you tonight! xx

Mase101: Better explain, J! Haha ok, have fun! xx

For the rest of the day, I decided to catch up on my reading so I got a novel out and settled on the couch. I only bothered to get up when I needed the toilet or food, the book I was reading was just too engrossing! Plus, I haven't read in a while so this is just pure bliss.

When the day has finally worn out and my parents had come back from work, I put my book down and ate dinner. After washing up, I rushed up to my room to talk to James.

Sounds to me like he's thoroughly enjoyed Sydney, even though he's only been here for several hours. He talked animatedly about what he did with his friends and I found myself getting lost in his stories about his day.

A couple of hours had passed until he finally admitted defeat to jetlag and said good bye. I smiled at the screen and tucked myself into bed. Powering myself down, I thought about what he'd be like in real life. It's only a few days away until I finally meet the guy.

With thoughts about him swimming around in my head, I drifted peacefully to sleep.

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