#14 Saturday Morning "Early"

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Sun poured over Lacey's face, a feeling of warmth traveling from her the cupid's bow of her to lip to her furrowed brows. Raising a hand Lacey covered her eyes as she squinted between her fingers. It took her a few seconds to remember where her head lay as she spotted a broad window six feet from the foot of the bed.

Marie's bed.

Oh. Memories of the night flooded back to Lacey. A lifted hem, her scar, Marie's gentle touch. A touch that had yet to leave her lower stomach. Twisting to look over her shoulder Lacey reassured her assumption. Marie lay on her side one arm under her head as her curled hair fanned out on the pillow, the other arm secured around Lacey's side. Her shirt lifted to her ribs Marie's arm and hand connected with Lacey's bare skin.

Heat rose to Lacey's face.

The action seemed different now that the shattered daylight streamed into the room. The bare floor between the bed and the window glowed with the sun's cloud tinted rays. From behind her Marie rustled slightly before settling in closer. Lacey could feel the rise and fall of Marie's chest with each sigh and she allowed herself to relax into the sleepy body.

If she stayed like this Lacey was sure she could convince herself to forget all her troubles. As if one cue, the quiet chirp of her phone sounded in the otherwise silent apartment.

Before bed Marie had offered her a charger at the bedside table. Reaching up, careful not to disturb her sleeping beauty, Lacey unplugged her phone.

One notification lit up the screen and as she recognized the icon her breath hitched. Lacey's hand locked around the device as her entire body went rigid.


There was no way.

They were over two weeks early.

No. The thought ran through Lacey's mind again and in seconds her feet found the scarred floor. Minutes later she'd changed into yesterday's clothes and was out the door. The thrift would be open by now and she could sneak out as early shoppers began to file in.

Her head down Lacey didn't even notice the rain as she found herself in the crowd of commuters filing along the sidewalk anonymously.

Here's a shorty xo 

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