Reflect My World

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We gaze forward and see images

We are surprised

Is this is how we look?

Could this be how we look to others?

We see our suffering and pain

In the slump of our shoulders

That were once held up proudly.

There is no sign of happiness reflected back to us

Just a broken smile

That we struggle to fake

If we look into our eyes

A broken soul stares back.

The sparkle of happiness in our eyes

Has been replaced by an angry flame.

If we could trap our







In glass

We would see our reflection.

What is wrong with us?

Mirror, Mirror

On the wall

Can you fix us before we contaminate all?


Before happiness is a forgotten word.

Before laughter is rare

And before smiles are permanently twisted into frowns.

Is there any good left to be reflected?

I hope that answer could one day be yes.


I wrote this poem for anyone who has ever felt that there is no hope. Who has felt sadness and grief. This is for those who wish to be happy, but are trapped. Take care everyone x

Jenni Heart

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2012 ⏰

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