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      After deciding to follow Whitey, I went to the schoolhouse and told Mrs. Dune that I would have to skip class to help out my mom. She said that she understood, which made me feel guilty for lying to her. I then went to the sheriff's station to see if Whitey was in fact working like he told me. My heart dropped as I opened the door and saw no one inside.

      So he had lied to me.

      My chest ached at the thought. Why would he lie to me? We were best friends. Aren't best friends supposed to trust each other and tell them the truth?

Holding back tears, I went home and saddled up a horse. Just as I was about to go into town to search for Whitey, I spotted a retreating figure on a horse. Immediately recognising my best friend, I started after him. I made sure to keep a safe distance between us that way he wouldn't be able to hear me.

I followed Whitey for what seemed like forever down a long winding dirt road with the protection of the trees to hide myself. Throughout our journey I couldn't help but think of what Whitey could possibly be doing this far out of town. Was he meeting someone? Hunting? I didn't like it, but I thought of him seeing a girl and my jealously immediately spiked. No, he wouldn't be meeting with a girl, would he? I had no clue and it was driving me to insanity.

      Whitey suddenly stopped and hopped off of his horse. Following suit, I quickly pulled my horse to the side of the road and hid in the trees. I watched as he tied his horse to a post and started walking towards a small town. I immediately recognized it.


My mother and I had done business with some people from the town a couple of times. They were good people for the most part, as long as you didn't get on their bad side. Luckily, we had stayed in their good graces and let them be.

What would Whitey be doing here?

      My curiosity peaked and I knew I wouldn't be able to turn around without knowing. So, I followed him towards town as quietly as I could.

      Whitey went in the direction of a small house on the border of Blackdom. It was painted a tan color that made the house seem to blend in with its surroundings. The house was equipped with a low wooden fence surrounding the perimeter and a mule in the back. Overall it was nice and looked in good shape.

I watched as he knocked on the door and was greeted by a young brown skinned girl with dark curly hair. She looked to be around 16 or 17.

      My age.

      My chest constricted with jealousy. So Whitey was meeting a girl. I didn't know what to think. First, he lied to me about what he was doing. Second, he lied to me about his whereabouts. And now I'm finding out that he's been keeping this mystery girl of his a secret for God knows how long.

I felt a wave hurt. Why wouldn't Whitey tell me any of this? Why would he lie to me? He shouldn't feel the need to keep things from me. We tel each other everything. Well, we used to tell each other everything.

      I was beyond confused with Whitey and his behaviour. I just don't understand boys sometimes. Being sweet with me one minute and the next lying to my face, I was tired of it.

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