A Relationship between Mother and Daughter

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This one is for the girls out there

Who's life is perfect, plain and fair

Who have their mothers by their sides

And will always have them throughout their lives.

I envy you and your mothers too

Im deeply jealous through and through

For you see while you two gossip and talk

Im left to sit and watch you walk

My mother left me two years ago

But not everyone around me knows

But thats ok, because you see

I have my dad, Tj and Nicky.

They love more than my mother will

So i forget about her until

She comes to pick my brothers up.

And she strolls on in not a care in the world

Completely forgetting about her only girl

Forgetting all my pain and her lies

How she made me cry and cry

Forgetting how she cheated and stole

How she made my heart harden like coal

But you'd never know how my heart fainted

because after awile i learned how to fake it

To paint on my face every day

to pretend to be happy in everything i say.

So our relationship between mother and daughter

is equivallent to over heated butter

all watery, disgusting , and bitterly yellow

When people talk about their moms i try to be mellow

To forget all the insults and pain 

To make her hurtful words and actions go away

But sadly everytime i try 

I end up starting to cry

I lock myself in my tiny bathroom

and look at the hole in the door she punched through

I dont like crying near others and looking like a mess

I cant show one sigh of weakness

Being strong is all i have

because nobody else can understand          

So whenever you talk to me or see me skip by,

i hope you can see through my painted face and web of lies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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