Once upon a dark day#11

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It was noon, in the local national park of Sweden, Felix a young and one of the most prominent rangers in this park was having a lunch break. As he was eating a meatball sandwich (With real swedish meatballs inside) and gazing at the beauty of nature around him, that was finely preserved in this park, he saw an old man dressed completely in black. He looked extremely weak, he has obviously passed a lot of hardships.

"Hey mister" shouted Felix "Come and rest a little you look very tired, I will help you with whatever you look or need"

The man looked like he had won the lottery, true hope was in his eyes. He got really fast In the same picnic table that Felix was sitting almost with running there.

"Thank you son. I am Fredrick and I must say your park is so amazing especially in the day. I had many years to visit it during the day most times I visit it under the cover of darkness."

"And why that sir? A man in your...."


"Yes... your age excuse me if I am impolite"

"You have been excused"

"Why would you come here in the dark of the night every day even though you look very pale and exhausted."

"Because once upon a damn day I was a tourist form Germany who visited this park and in order to help a person in pain made that promise"

"You really promised to come here every single night in order to do what?"

"Pick a specific Package you might say"

"And is it that important that you need to come here every night"

"Yes, and so you know we used to be 4 people each one coming in a specific day while the other three would rest."

"Where are the other three?"

"Death took them three, two and one years ago in that order."

"For how much time should you come here to pick the Package?"

"Until it runs out

"Mr Fredrick I would gladly take the package for tonight"

"You sure, this promise must be kept until you find me or anyone else that wants to be keep"

"In church we learn that you should relief others from pain"

"You are a good man Felix be here at 24:00 and the package will say the rest"

"Ok happy day will you be here tomorrow?"

"Yes, in order to see if you want to keep the promise"

"Happy day then"

"Happy day poor boy" said the man silently and then he vanished in the woods.

Felix, even thought he thought that this guy was a little crazy and maybe dangerous, because he had made a promise he would have to go. In order to avoid any traps or anything else unpleasant he would be there earlier and he would hide and the at midnight he would take the package, if there was one, and next day he would tell the man that he wouldn't do it again.

His plan worked with absolute perfection. He was there at 23:00 and he waited. He saw no one and heard nothing apart from the animals that were awake in the night. He went to the location only to realise there was no package.

"I got pranked" Felix said loudly in order to be heard "That was really funny. I will tell it to that old man Frederick that he is very very VERY funny! Ha Ha Ha Ha I am dead by the  laughter. Fucking old piece of..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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