Heart of Stone

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Listen to the song as you read!!

"I loved you! And I told you!" She yelled "I did
everything for you, I never once gave up on us! But you chose her..." her voice softened and she trailed off. Tears falling, staining her face. "You chose her, and I fell apart."
"Jenny I-" He muttered trying to choke back his tears. He reached out his hand to her face, "No, don't..." She shook her head. "I can't, I can't keep doing this."
At this moment she broke, and unknowingly so did he. He loved her, he did. But everything he touched turned to dust. He didn't want that for Jenny. That's what he loved about Jenny, she was bright and innocent, kind and sweet. Why would he take that away? But that's what she loved about him, he was dark and mysterious, yet had the kindest heart.
He thought by dating another girl Jenny would move on and forget him, as most did. He now realized he did the very thing he hoped not to. He turned her heart to stone, and this very conversation smashed that stone and turned to dust.

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