Chapter Two

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Kara grabbed my hand, leading me inside and we all sat down. She nodded for me to continue but I didn't know what to say. I just sat there with my mouth slightly open.

"Y/N. Just tell us what it is. Why are you crying? What happened?" Lena put an arm around me but I shifted slightly away.

"I... I'm not crying because of what I needed to tell you. It's something else. I'll get to that but..." I looked down. Why was it so hard to tell a lesbian couple that I just discovered I was gay? I sighed and looked back up at them. "I think... I mean... I know that... I have a crush on..." I looked back down and closed my eyes as I said the name. "Alex."

"Really? As in my Alex?" I nodded, Kara raised an eyebrow and smiled. Then Lena laughed and whispered something in Kara's ear. Then they both laughed and Lena stood, grabbing her phone.

"What are you two doing?" I asked nervously.

"Calling Alex. Obviously." Kara smiled and dialled a number on her phone but just before she put it to her ear, I yelled 'no'. "Why?"

"Because she's the reason I was crying." Kara stood with her phone in her hand.

"What did my sister do?" Her thumb was hovering over the call button and she already had the phone next to her ear.

"She kissed me, then laughed and said 'No way, not yet' before leaving, I haven't seen her since."

"How long ago was it?" Lena looked at Kara, then also stood and went to walk out the door.

"About an hour, maybe two." I was about to ask what they were doing but I decided to just let them go. Kara was sweating, almost hyperventilating and Lena ran out the door, motioning for me to follow. Then Kara hit the call button and started yelling the moment Alex picked up.

"How could you? You of all people should know what it's like to have feelings for someone who doesn't want to date a newbie. Alex, you have to realise how hypocritical that is." Kara kept ranting while I stood slowly, going to the kitchen. I went to the sink and opened the cupboard, looking for the fail-safe that Lena had once told me about a while ago. 

My breathing was getting heavier and I could hear my heart racing. I forced myself to calm down and started to look again. After about a minute, my hand slipped into a hole and I felt the inscriptions that Lena described. I grabbed the lead box and walked over to Kara, showing her what I had in my hands. She dropped her phone and glared at me. "You wouldn't." I heard Alex screaming her name but Kara stepped on her phone, crushing it.

"Lena told me about these episodes. Either you become enraged and dangerous or scared and you curl up in a ball. I am guessing this is door number one so either you will calm down or I will open this." She looked at my hands and nodded, smiling slightly when I put it down. "I'm sorry, Kara. I know..." She cut me off with a hug and I happily accepted, wrapping my arms around her neck, nuzzling my nose into her neck.

"I couldn't... I should have..." She muttered but I didn't hear the rest. I just zoned out. She pulled away and smiled, grabbing the box and handing it to me. "Open it and leave it open until I am unconscious. Then hide it somewhere I won't find it." I shook my head and tried to speak. "Please. If this happens again and I know where it is... it's the only kryptonite left that Kal doesn't have."

"Okay." I reluctantly opened the box, closing my eyes so I didn't have to see her in pain. I heard grunts and then a thud. When I opened my eyes, she was asleep on the floor. "Sorry," I whispered and put the box back in the hole under the sink. When Kara woke up again, she wouldn't remember any of this. I stood, walking to Kara's room and I pulled the sheets, ready to get Kara to bed.

"Y/N?" I turned, Alex was staring down at Kara. "Is she..."

"Alive? Yes." I didn't even want to think of the alternative. "Want to help me get her comfortable?"


Four hours later, Alex and I were sitting on Kara's couch, still waiting for her to wake up. I took a sip of my wine, looking up at Alex.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"Alex, stop." She kissed me again but this time, I could feel every muscle in my body tense. When I opened my eyes, Alex was gone. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, unsure of what just happened. I looked around and she was standing in the kitchen, hands on the bench and head down as if she were bracing for something.

"I didn't mean it the way you think. When I said 'No way'... it wasn't that I wouldn't be with you... it was..." She looked up at me. "I didn't think I could ever love again. After I had to leave Maggie and Sara cheated, I didn't think this was possible." I made my way to her and smiled, tilting my head to the side. "I didn't want to love again, but you had to come along."

"You... love me?"

JUSTICE Alex X Reader (Female) (Third Book - Faked, Truth, Justice) (Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now