30 ~ Lexi

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"I'm going to nail you to the wall!" Ely shouted as he chased Zeus across the great room floor, jabbing the air with his trusty sword. "You're a fiend and a villain!"

"I'm not so bad once you get to know me," Zeus said, snatching Ely by the waist and tickling him.

Ely's squeals echoed off the vaulted ceiling, but Lexi didn't have the heart to shush him. He had challenged Zeus to a duel when Zeus returned to do more repairs on the front door he'd blasted apart, and Zeus rarely denied Ely. Each time the two got together, they engaged in some sort of skirmish. Lexi believed this was intentional on Zeus's part to help Ely get over his crying spells, but only time would tell whether this was beneficial to Ely or not.

Besides, their mayhem was met with no resistance from the room's exhausted occupants. Blythe had drifted off to sleep before anyone else, positioning herself across the arms of an overstuffed chair. Then Elm followed suit, choosing Lexi's hip to doze, while Juniper laid on Lexi's lap, drooling unconsciously. Hades had to let himself in when he returned home from Melinoe's estate, and he entered the great room looking like a handsome vagabond, dragging his fingers through shaggy hair and scrubbing a hand over his chin where two days' worth of stubble had been allowed to grow.

The moment Ely saw Hades, he ran for him. "Zeus is teaching me how to parry," he said as he demonstrated the block with his sword.

"I think you're ready to join the youngsters in Heracles's weaponry class," Hades said, giving Ely an easy smile. "If you'd like, I'll sign you up the next time I'm in Olympus."

"You will?" Ely bounced on his toes, looking like he might take flight. "Is it because I helped you with the incubus?"

Hades's eyebrows rose as he caught Lexi in his weary gaze, and she answered before he could ask. "Sella felt the need to share that information with the children. She isn't feeling like herself quite yet."

"Indeed." Hades turned back to his son and nodded. "Yes, Ely. You were a great help."

Blythe had roused from sleep, probably triggered by Hades's distinctive baritone, and she stretched for the rafters as she yawned. "I will take the children to bed, your graces."

"Thank you, Blythe." Lexi tapped Elm on the shoulder, speaking softly over her. "It's time for you and Raven to climb into bed." When she was sure Elm had stirred, Lexi lifted Juniper to her shoulder, transferring the drool there.

"Your son is as enthusiastic as they come, Hades," Zeus said. "He'll make you proud someday."

"He has already made me proud," Hades told him, jutting out his chin much like his son. "Can you stay for a drink, Z? I could use your counsel on something."

Zeus's chin rose, giving away his own pride. Hades rarely sought the advice of his brothers. "Of course. How fresh is your ambrosia?"

"You drank it at Lexi's party. Will that do? I also have a Bordeaux Malbec I've been waiting for an occasion to open."

"Oh, that sounds nice," Lexi said. "Is it from the vintage we shared on our trip to Marseille?"

Hades beamed at her despite his obvious fatigue. "The very same. I'll send a nymph into the cellar. I would like you to join us, Lexi, if you're not too tired."

Lexi could tell Hades wanted her not to be tired, and the furrowed brows on Zeus's face said he was disappointed she had been invited. "I'd love to join you. The only reason I don't already have a sedative in my hand is because I've been trapped under sleeping children."

Hades smiled as he walked over to help her off the couch, glancing down at her bandaged arm. "How is the healing coming?"

"Miraculously. I'll take Juniper up to bed then meet you two in the study. I assume that's where you're headed."

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