04| D A N G E R I N G

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Chapter Four

My feet beg me to give out at every agonising step I take, running up the old wooden stairs with my heart bouncing against my rib cage harshly

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My feet beg me to give out at every agonising step I take, running up the old wooden stairs with my heart bouncing against my rib cage harshly. Everything around me is a dark blur, nothing registering into my jumbled throbbing head, thoughts flooding in and flooding out like a whisper. Silence. Yet the only thing cemented in my mind is to find my little beloved Dottie.

My not so white converse finally stumble onto the grey rug laid out upon the small cozy lounge room floor. Everything is pitch black with the only source of light casting and cascading through the open door which slightly bangs in the cool wind. My heart beat picks up at the images of strangers breaking into our family home with the intentions to do what exactly? Were they here to spread blood or just mourning over a loss of a loved one trying to take refuge? Were they swearing repeatedly blaming someone for their friend or family members death?

My teary eyes slowly begin casting over the furniture, shadows playing tricks on my mind causing my heart to stop beating for a second or two. The slam of the wooden door filters through my ears as I spin around meeting Harpers dull eyes. I choke on my sobs as she begins to mouth something, I can't understand her. I don't want to listen to her.

She's the reason Dottie has escaped. She's the reason that blood has been shed in our family home. Bodies laying breathless. Squeezing my emerald eyes shut I begin to shake my head. I don't want to see them. I don't want to see their motionless bodies. Slowly opening my eyes I start tip toeing around numbly. The muffled cries of Harper yelling at me to do what exactly? I'm not sure.

Debris was scattered all around own small family home. Memories destroyed from the small ticking bombs set by Harper combined with the toxic gas, which over time mixes with the oxygen filled air becoming harmless. Her small proud smile of the carnage she's caused pains my heart. She was happy to have killed them deep inside that soul of hers, it sparked something. This could just be the beginning of a murderer. My own beloved sister.

A hand laches onto my cool arm causing goosebumps to rise. A scream barely makes it out of my dry bitter mouth as a warm hand muffles in my cry of agony. My head whips around, throbbing from the sharp movement, turning to meet my captures cold brown eyes. I don't register that it's her. My eyes flutter over lifeless mounds scatter on the floor behind her tall frame.

The scene so blurry I force myself to believe it's not what I see in reality, but that it's just a haunting nightmare. Yet my heart beat trying to escape its cage tells me otherwise. Three bodies lay there, motionless, no rise of their chest indicating even a shallow breath present. Harper did this. Choking on my tears and the heavyweight burning inside my core, everything rushes back to reality. My sisters voice finally registering.

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