My Song. (Thank You Shay)

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Cause you are everything

Somethings are tough

Somethings are rough

Sometimes we cry

Over stupid lies

We have to get stronger

I belive in you

Oh i belive in you

Cause you are everything

It takes time to realize what's right from wrong

When we believe were over in done

There's someone to pick you up

Not everything is easy

Not everything is fair

Not everything is meant to be

Welcome to my life

Somethings are confusing

Somethings are stupid

Sometimes we wonder

Why am i here

We say what we dont mean

And regret we've just done

But what we've done

Can not be erased

Cause not everything goes they way we want it to

It takes time to realize what's right from wrong

When we believe were over in done

There's someone to pick you up

Not everything is easy

Not everything is fair

Not everything is meant to be

Welcome to my life

I understand how you feel

I've been down that road before

I don't wanna see you cry

You say I don't understand

You say you need time alone

You got time

You got all the time you need...

I believe in you

I'll be there for you

Your shoulder to cry on

Your first aid for your heart

Rely on me

Just rely on me

It takes time to realize what's right from wrong

When we believe were over in done

There's someone to pick you up

Not everything is easy

Not everything is fair

Not everything is meant to be

Welcome to my life

I won't complain

I will be there

Cause you are everything...


See that? I didn't write it.

That was one of my bestest friends. She wrote that.. FOR ME.

Her name is Shayla and her username is xMsHappiEmoBitchx.

I love her to SHREDS!

Please comment and vote and tell me if she has a talent..

Aint she amazing, kids?

Yeah, she is!!

Thank you guys so much, Comment, Vote, Fan, LIke, Tweet!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2010 ⏰

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