2 - Revelation

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*Five Years Later*


Carefully moving around the perimeter, I scan for any intruders in my territory. Apart from the other animals, everything seemed normal. If only I could be sure. Something had caught my attention moments ago but the scent seem to waver in the air, one minute it was there then the next, it’s gone.

Pacing back and forth, my mind searched my memories, wondering what could the scent be and where have I smelt it before. It wasn't a scent of one of the deer or one of the other predators living in the forest. I know the scent of the others and we’re all on good terms, but we tend to stick to our own territories… unless something has happened.

Then it struck me, I stopped dead in my tracks. How could I forget that scent! No wonder it was so familiar!

It was human.

The scent was human… but why are they in my territory? Why is it so deep into the forest? They never come this deep into the Acadia Forest ever since I've claimed this area as my home. Or my ‘den’, so they call it.

I still remembered why they became so terrified of me. Five years ago, I ‘accidentally’ wondered into one of the villages on the boarder, Illois.  But on that one day that I ‘wondered’ in, one of the villager’s kid decided it was a good idea to play in the middle of the road and, was about to get run over by a carriage. Being a princess who protect her (or the) people. I went and rescued the d*mn kid and what do I get? Pitchforks, stones, knives with a touch of fire. Lets just say, I couldn't defend myself as they couldn't understand a word I said, it probably sounded like roars and growls to them. (i.e. gibberish)

They stereotypically thought I was going to kidnap/eat the poor child; defensively they chased me away.

And ever since then, they either:

1)         Attempt to ‘slay’ me and bring back my hid as a prize

2)         Avoid my territory

But that little flashback hadn’t answer my question:

What are they doing here?

Unsheathing my claws, I crept towards a nearby tree and began marking it, honing my black claws a little. I chuckled to myself, it's been almost a year since humans dare to try and take a shot at me. I have no intention on killing any of the humans (partially because I am one), and they haven’t actually done any harm to my friends or me… yet.

But then again… five continuous years of being a tiger, I only have one chance each month to find someone to break the curse on my kingdom but so far I've came up with, nada. They all gave me the same answer.


The next full moon is in seven days. Silently I climbed up the trees and hid within the branches, readyed to pounce on them but deep inside I was praying that the Dragon Veil would somehow help me. And I would soon find the answers I'm looking for.


“Your Majesty, please.”

I pull on the reins slightly, pulling Legend to a halt. The villagers of Fyralos gathered around us. Men, women and elderly alike. The children play freely in the field behind them, clueless to the adult's worries, concerns and fear.

“What is it?”

One of the elderly with a cane stepped forward and croaked, “For two years, our livestock have been terrorized by a creature of silver and gold who lives in the Acadia Forest” he pointed towards the distant where glimmer of light shone but no body noticed.

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