-The Midnight Meeting-

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We were at the park all day with our friends. It was 6 of us: Drake, Ezekial, David, Sami, Bella and me.  At first we were just goofing around, talking and such until randomly David got mad. It came out of nowhere and was very random. The other half of the time of us being there, was us cheering up David. We ended up making him feel better in the end, before we left.

Sami and Bell told me they were meeting at midnight that night, and invited me.

At about 11:50, I texted Ezekial to tell me when they were there. He texted me back saying “k”. Which by the way is annoying. At about 12:15 I had heard nothing from him so I called.

This is how the call went:

ME: uhhh are you there yet!?


ME: (what the fuck!?) under my breath.

HIM: Well I’ll tell you when we go

ME: Ok…


            Fuck it, I give up. I decided not to go since he obviously didn’t want me to go. I ended up watching a movie and falling asleep. Fun night right?

            The next day I ask sami if they went and she told me that they did. But all they did was watch movies and cuddle.

            Heres how I see it:

2 girls 3 guys What the fuck was I going to cuddle? The floor? Yeah I was better off at home. 

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